Derby Telegraph

Parents’ biggest back to school worries



BEING a parent means you worry about your kids. Add in concerns about how social distancing and pandemic-enforced home schooling might have affected them, and parental fretting can go off the scale.

Indeed, new research by the tutoring platform MyTutor ( uk) suggests staying at home for most of the last 18 months has led to 43% of parents worrying their children will struggle to readjust to school this term, with concerns they will be bullied, or find it hard to make friends again.

Parenting expert Suzie Hayman, a trustee at the parenting charity Family Lives (familylive­, says: “There may be a whole reshufflin­g of the relationsh­ips within a class or school, because pupils are coming back different to what they were before. There will be a lot of kids that’ll worry about things as basic as ‘How do I talk?’. But remember that everybody’s in the same boat – we’ve all been through a pandemic.”

The research identified the top back-to-school worries for parents, and here Suzie discusses why mums and dads might be so concerned...

Worried their home schooling has negatively impacted their child’s education (44%)


“Some parents did struggle with home education throughout the pandemic, and when children went back to school, a lot were way behind,” agrees Suzie, who points out many children routinely go back after the summer holidays having lost the previous term’s learning because of the big gap.

“That’s bad enough,” she says, “but this year I imagine a lot of teachers will be tearing their hair out because some children will have lost nearly two years’ education.”

Worried about their child making friends or being bullied (43%)


Children often bully because of something happening in their life outside school, observes Suzie, who suggests some children will try to get control in their life through bullying.

“In a lot of cases, children come to school already in a difficult position – something’s happening at home that’s making them feel bad, and they pass on the bad feelings by bullying other children,” she says. “That’s going to be exacerbate­d in the current situation, and parents might worry their child’s had a blissful 18 months free of bullying and is going straight back into it. “Conversely, what children have experience­d during the pandemic may have made them upset or angry, and thinking they’ll feel better by pushing somebody around.”

3. Worried about their child eating the right things (40%)

The research found the stress of being socially isolated, home learning and fearing the spread of coronaviru­s has led to many children comfort eating junk food.

Suzie points out that while many have learned to cook during the pandemic, other families may have often opted for takeaways.

“Kids could have got into bad habits about what they eat,” says Suzie.

“If you’re worried about what your child’s eating, worry about what you’re eating. It doesn’t take much more time to rustle up a good homemade meal than it does to order and reheat a takeaway.

“And yes, you could give them a healthy packed lunch for school, but will they eat it if they’re unsupervis­ed? They need a good example set at home.”

4. Worried about their child’s friendship group (35%)

Some children have been communicat­ing with friends online for most of the last 18 months, and it’s understand­able parents may be concerned about how they fit into their friendship group face-to-face, says Suzie.

“They’ve had online friendship­s, which in some cases can be much easier,” she points out. “But throw them into a face-to-face conversati­on and it becomes obvious if they’re the quiet one, and they can easily be intimidate­d and worried about it.”

She says parents can help their kids become more socially confident simply by talking with them.

“Chat over the evening meal or breakfast – it’s absolutely vital, because it plugs you into your family. You should be listening to them and getting them to chat to you.

“To make friendship­s, they need to be able to chat about inconseque­ntialities, explain their feelings and listen to other people’s feelings.

“That’s the bread and butter of communicat­ion and friendship­s, and if they don’t see you demonstrat­ing it, it’s very difficult for them to learn how to do it.

“And this is why one of the neceskids

Some parents did struggle with home education throughout the pandemic, and when children went back to school a lot were way behind

sities of a family house is a table around which you eat together.”

Worried their child spends too much time on social media (34%)

Suzie says there are some good reasons for parents to worry about this.

“Some of the pitfalls of social media are that kids can get swept along by people telling lies and being unpleasant, and find themselves in a trolling war.

“But the plus side about social media is that people communicat­e.

“Learning how to express yourself is incredibly valuable – there’s a lot on social media that’s valuable, don’t

assume it’s all bad. Talk to them and ask them to explain what they’re doing. It’s down to you to demonstrat­e how to be kind, analytical and measured, and help them set limits.”

Worried their child isn’t happy (34%)

Suzie stresses parents should praise rather than damn their children, and children should learn from failure.

“You teach more by being positive rather than negative, and that goes for both teachers and parents. We have to watch what we say and do and how we’re building our children up.

“It’s important to recognise that when you fail, the lesson is you need to do better next time, not that you’re a failure. Children should be allowed to fail at something and choose whether to try again to see if they can get better.

“We need to instil in our children the trying ethos, not that it’s good to win first time. You’re wanting to be a good enough parent, not a perfect parent, and you want your kids to be good enough too, not perfect.”

Worried their child isn’t doing enough exercise (31%)

Parents need to look to themselves on this one, and be aware their own lack of exercise is likely to encourage their children to be sedentary too.

“Give them opportunit­ies to exercise – facilitate, model and lead as a parent,” advises Suzie . “Make the time to exercise yourself, and instil in your child a love of physical activity.”

Worried their child doesn’t find it easy to communicat­e how they feel (28%)

Suzie says sometimes children may find communicat­ing their feelings is hard because they’re not sure what they’re feeling. To help them, she suggests parents and children write every feeling they can think of on bits of paper, and put them in a ‘feelings jar’.

“When a child can’t express how they’re feeling, spread all the slips of paper out and see what their feeling might be. It helps them put words to their feelings,” explains Suzie.

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 ?? ?? Expert: Suzie Hayman
Expert: Suzie Hayman
 ?? ?? Chatting with your children around the table at mealtimes is one way to help them become more socially confident
Chatting with your children around the table at mealtimes is one way to help them become more socially confident
 ?? ?? Parenting expert Suzie Hayman on one of the fears parents have after home schooling
Parenting expert Suzie Hayman on one of the fears parents have after home schooling

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