Derby Telegraph

Keep Christmas out of Remembranc­e


I SEE from the article in the Derby Telegraph, that Derby City Council has organised this year’s Christmas lights switch-on for Saturday, November 13” (“Lights fantastic!”, October 14).

Once again no considerat­ion has been that this is within the four days period of Remembranc­e (November 11, Armistice Day to November 14 Remembranc­e Sunday) when we remember those who gave their lives in two World Wars and other conflicts since then. There should be no Christmas related events prior to the days of Remembranc­e.

Councillor Ross McCristal (City Council Cabinet member for Leisure, Culture, Tourism and Wellbeing) does not speak for everyone when he talks of the disappoint­ment felt last year at the cancellati­on of the Christmas lights switch-on event; that event was just one of many that had to be cancelled due to pandemic restrictio­ns, not least Remembranc­e Sunday commemorat­ions.

Already this year we have the ‘Derby Loves You’ venue in the Market Place which is close to the War Memorial where wreaths are laid in our time of remembranc­e. Was any considerat­ion given to this when the site for this was chosen?

I am not against having the Christmas lights switch-on but any such event should be after Armistice Day/Remembranc­e Sunday (whichever is the later) so this year that would be November 20 (assuming it takes place on a Saturday). There are still 25 days after for festivitie­s in the lead up to Christmas.

Some years ago the then council organised the Christmas lights switch-on to take place before Remembranc­e Sunday but there were so many complaints that they changed the date to after Armistice Day/Remembranc­e Sunday and I thought they had agreed that it would always be so. Let us hope they change the date again.

Brenda Green, Derby

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