Derby Telegraph

How does council plan to enforce dogs rule?


I READ the report about the proposed changes to what we can and cannot do in our local open spaces with increasing incredulit­y, concern and anger (“Dogs would no longer be allowed to run free in the park ... but you could have a barbecue”, October 7).

Hasn’t Derbyshire Dales District Council heard of the old saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”?

It appears that it is possible that I will be able to drive on to a local beauty spot, have a barbecue and many drinks with lots of friends but not let my dogs run and play and have exercise which they are legally required to have!

Having a “rule” may, quite reasonably, simply be a statement of what is considered unacceptab­le or undesirabl­e behaviour and needn’t require “enforcing” in order to promote it.

Will our council tax money be used in future to pay for work to clear up litter after barbecues/ fire parties, replant grassy areas or trees destroyed, repair damage by cars driven on to local open spaces which were never designed to take vehicles?

Why on earth is council time, money and energy being wasted on making “issues” about topics that are not issues?

The Animal Welfare Act of 2006 (Section 9), places a duty of care on people to ensure they take reasonable steps in all circumstan­ces to meet the welfare needs of their animals to the extent required by good practice.

The code of practice which provides practical guidance to enable people to comply with the Act specifical­ly states that an owner should provide for a dogs natural needs … “A dog needs regular exercise and regular opportunit­ies to walk, run, explore, play, sniff and investigat­e.“This cannot be achieved while on a lead!

So all dog owners will be breaking the law if they want to run their dogs off lead in the town (not everyone has a car to go further afield or they may be elderly/disabled and the town centre is all that is within their range for walking).

I have to ask how this council plans to “enforce” the ‘on lead at all times’ rule?

All residents pay for the provision, upkeep and access to open spaces in the district and it is totally unacceptab­le, and cruel, to forbid the many people who contribute to these open spaces, from letting their animals have the opportunit­y to run play and socialise in the only two public spaces in the town.

Perhaps the council will inform us of the basis that forms its “dogs on leads at all times” proposal? Siobhan Burton,

by email

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