Derby Telegraph

Ex-binman who raped child jailed for 19 years



A FORMER Derby binman raped and sexually abused a young girl.

Derby Crown Court heard how paedophile Mark Wetton paid the youngster to carry out sex acts on him.

The actions of the depraved 46-yearold, of Alvaston, left the victim “struggling to breathe when she smells a particular aftershave” he used to wear.

And his only explanatio­n for why he carried out the abuse was that he was under the influence of prescripti­on drugs and alcohol.

Jailing him for a total of 19 years, Judge Shaun Smith QC said: “One really cannot understate the depravity you showed that young girl.

“Your behaviour, your depravatio­n, your sexual appetite, knew no bounds.

“Her victim impact statement perhaps does not do any justice for what you were doing at all.

“She suffers nightmares, she struggles to breathe when she smells a particular aftershave as it reminds her of the abuse she suffered.

“You are 46 years of age and until now is someone who has never been in trouble before.”

Jeremy Janes, prosecutin­g, said the victim was under the age of 13 when Wetton, of Brighton Road, raped her. He said Wetton had full sex with her and paid her to carry out other sex acts on him.

Mr Janes said if she did not do what he asked her he would punish her.

He said she finally disclosed what took place to one of her family members and the police became involved.

They arrested and interviewe­d Wetton who gave “no comment” replies to the questions he was asked.

But he finally pleaded guilty to a number of offences including rape of a child and sexual assault of a child.

Mr Janes read out part of a victim impact statement made by the girl.

He said: “She believes she has got post-traumatic stress disorder, still suffers nightmares and wakes up struggling to breathe.

“She says the nightmares got worse once she reported the matter to the police.”

Sarah Phelan, mitigating, was asked by Judge Smith: “What led to this?”

She replied: “He developed a degenerati­ve spine disorder and was prescribed Tramadol.

“That led him to being unable to work in his job for Derby City Council as a refuse collector and he began to abuse the Tramadol and also alcohol, and that disinhibit­ed him.

“His offending was under the influence of both and he can provide no further explanatio­n. “He tells me he is sickened by his behaviour and this period in custody has allowed him to reflect on the harm he has caused his victim.”

Wetton’s 19-year jail sentence is made up of 18 years, plus one on extended licence, and he will be eligible to apply for parole after nine years. He will be on the sex offender register for life.

Speaking after sentencing, Detective Constable Luanne Heeley, who investigat­ed the case, said: “We welcome this significan­t custodial sentence, as Wetton targeted a vulnerable young child.

“The dreadful offences he committed will no doubt have a long-lasting effect on the victim, and she has shown immense bravery in being able to come forward and report what happened to her.

“I hope that Wetton’s sentencing encourages anyone who has been suffered to similar offending to report it, and feel confident that they will receive the help and support they need from our specialist officers and other support agencies we work alongside.”

Your behaviour, your depravatio­n, your sexual appetite, knew no bounds.

Judge Shaun Smith QC

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