Derby Telegraph

Blackmaile­r took photos of elderly man’s visit to massage parlour



A BLACKMAILE­R turned up at a Derbyshire pensioner’s home armed with incriminat­ing photograph­s of the victim visiting a sex worker at a massage parlour.

Derby Crown Court heard Tony Evans demanded £2,500 from the man threatenin­g to show the snaps to the victim’s wife if he didn’t pay up.

The 28-year-old father-of-two then messaged the man telling him to meet him at a railway station with the cash. But by then the police had been called and the defendant was arrested.

Handing Evans a nine-month jail sentence, suspended for 18 months, Judge Shaun Smith QC said: “What you did in this case was, to say the very least, a despicable piece of behaviour.

“A 72-year-old man chose to do what he chose to do and you recognised the opportunit­y to try and get some money from him by threatenin­g to embarrass him to his wife.

“You must have known that because of his age that was something that would have been particular­ly embarrassi­ng for him. Not perhaps for a younger person that might have shrugged it off in this current age.

“But this was not just someone that contacted him online, it was someone that threatened his privacy and went to his home while his wife was there. You imagine if the tables had been turned.”

Richard Sheldon, prosecutin­g, said the victim went from his Derbyshire home to visit a massage parlour in September 2020.

He said the following day, while he was enjoying a barbecue with his wife, the defendant turned up at their address. The prosecutor said Evans got the man alone and “showed him two photograph­s of him at the massage parlour with a sex worker”. Mr Sheldon said: “He (Evans) returned the following day claiming to be a private investigat­or saying he wanted £2,500 in cash and saying he would tell his wife (if he did not pay him).”

The prosecutor said the police were called and days later the defendant sent the victim a text messages asking him to meet him at the pensioner’s nearest railway station.

He said the police were there waiting and when Evans arrived, driving a car carrying false plates, he was arrested.

Mr Sheldon read out a victim impact statement made by the pensioner.

In it he said: “My wife and I have had a harmonious marriage and I know I have been very foolish seeking sexual services but I never realised the can of worms that has been opened.”

The defendant, of Smithies Lane, Barnsley, pleaded guilty to blackmail and having false number plates.

Katherine White, mitigating, said her client has two very young daughters who would suffer if their father was sent immediatel­y to prison.

She said: “It was an act of desperatio­n, he followed him, took the photograph­s and then made the decision to follow the defendant and that’s how he found out where he lived. It was a snap decision and one he will have to live with for the rest of his life.”

As part of the suspended sentence, Judge Smith ordered Evans to carry out 240 hours of unpaid work. He also handed him a an electronic­ally monitored curfew confining him to his home address each night from 7pm to 6am for the next six months.

The victim’s anonymity is protected by law.

I have been very foolish seeking sexual services but I never realised the can of worms that has been opened. Victim

 ?? ?? Tony Evans leaving Derby Crown Court
Tony Evans leaving Derby Crown Court

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