Derby Telegraph

Clapping has turned to moaning after strikes


WE are about to see during the next few months a brilliant example of the English public’s ability to convenient­ly forget.

The rail strike is only the start. Teachers and NHS staff, who have seen their wages take a drop in real terms of over 20% under the Tory Government, will soon be taking action, too, along with other public servants in all areas of employment.

Remember these are the people who were roundly applauded during the pandemic for soldiering on, taking risks of catching the disease and keeping the country going. They were saints, clapped weekly on doorsteps for their courage and selflessne­ss.

But no. They are going to have the temerity to strike for various reasons including pay, job conditions, etc. Now the letters are starting to come in, the latest from Annie Thompson (Telegraph, June 24), who states: “Why does everyone feel it is OK to strike these days?”. The answer is: ‘they don’t’.

It’s over 30 years since a major rail strike. Hardly militancy gone mad is it?

These people only strike as a last resort; remember it costs them financiall­y to do so. The withdrawal of labour is the only weapon a worker has compared to the huge advantages of an employer. It has been heartening to see many people on TV news affected by the strike actually agreeing with the rail workers’ actions, but I’m not holding my breath, I suspect many more letters like Annie Thompson’s will be winging their way to this paper from people who have stopped clapping and started moaning.

Phil Garner, Littleover

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