Derby Telegraph

Surviving the ups – and downs – of festival fun

KATIE WRIGHT gets some timely advice from health experts on how to get back on track after a big weekend


Glastonbur­y might be behind us, but festival season is just beginning, which means there are going to be plenty of exhausted revellers having to deal with the consequenc­es of a hedonistic weekend (or longer) of partying this summer.

Lack of sleep, overindulg­ing on booze, fizzy drinks and junk food means music festivals can leave you feeling a shadow of your former self.

Plus, there’s the risk of sunburn and heatstroke (particular­ly if you’ve ventured to a European event), or maybe you’ve been shivering in the rain all weekend.

Here, health experts explain what to do in the post-festival days to fasttrack your recovery...

Drink your hangover away

As well as drinking plenty of water, Rob Hobson, head of nutrition at Healthspan (healthspan., recommends using herbs and spices as a natural hangover cure.

“Fresh mint with lemon and a little honey works well (in hot water) – mint helps to alleviate bloating and gas,” he says. “Another brilliant combinatio­n is pouring boiling water over freshly squeezed lemons, ground turmeric, ground ginger and honey. This spicy combinatio­n works well to perk you up, and the ginger can help settle delicate tummies.”

Get to bed on time

“Get a full eight hours sleep for the first week after the festival,” says Giulia Guerrini, lead pharmacist at Medino (

But avoid daytime naps, Giulia says, adding: “You may be inclined to get more sleep to try and ‘catch up’, however you don’t want to oversleep, as that can also be damaging.”

Resume your routine

It may be tempting to flop in front of the telly and order a takeaway, but the sooner you get back to homecooked meals, the better.

“Try to get back to your normal routine as quickly as possible,” Giulia advises. “Take yourself to your local supermarke­t and do your weekly food shop, making sure you’re purchasing healthier items to try and counteract the unhealthie­r food you might have eaten at the festival.”

Have a salt bath

A soothing soak in an Epsom salt bath could have multiple post-festival benefits.

“When Epsom salt is dissolved in water, magnesium ions are released,” explains Dr Ravi Tomar, GP partner at Portland Medical (portlandme­dicalcentr­

“Bathing in this has been shown to increase the levels found in the body. Magnesium plays a role in sleep and stress management, as it helps produce the neurotrans­mitters responsibl­e for this.”

And if your digestion has suffered from a lack of fibre, the salts can get things moving. “Magnesium can help bowel function, easing constipati­on as the magnesium draws water in to soften stool,” Dr Tomar explains.

Supplement support

As well as munching lots of fruit and veg, you might want to add some supplement­s to your diet to kick-start the recovery process.

“Try Berocca, which contains vitamin C, B vitamins, and minerals such as calcium and magnesium,” suggests Giulia. “That will help replace any nutrients lost through alcohol. Vitamin D is a great supplement to take daily, helping with your bones and joints, while also boosting your immune system.”

 ?? ?? Sometimes there’s a price to pay for having fun – but there are ways to speed your recovery
Sometimes there’s a price to pay for having fun – but there are ways to speed your recovery
 ?? ?? An Epsom salt bath has many benefits
An Epsom salt bath has many benefits

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