Derby Telegraph

£128,000 will help make a big splash for pool improvemen­ts



A DERBY secondary school has received more than £100,000 to make improvemen­ts to its swimming pool.

Allestree Woodlands School received nearly £128,000 to make environmen­tal improvemen­ts to the pool, used by primary schools and swimming groups across the city.

The money will come from the Swimming Pools Support Fund, run by the Government and Sport England, after Derby City Council submitted a bid on the school’s behalf. The majority of the funding (£112,916) will go towards “heat recovery units” while the remaining funding will be spent on filtration systems.

The Allestree school will put its own funding towards upgrading its changing rooms as well.

Kerry Blakemore, facilities manager at Allestree Woodlands School, said: “We are delighted to have received this funding through our bid with Derby City Council.

“The school pool was built in 1970 and, although the pool plant equipment has been updated over the years, it is becoming more costly each time we have a repair as the parts needed are normally obsolete due to the age of the equipment.

“The current heat recovery has had multiple repairs and the parts are costly and scarce making it harder to repair each time there is an issue. Without a working unit, the climate control can be very temperamen­tal, affecting the pool hall temperatur­e and the evaporatio­n of the pool.

“The pool has had to be closed on numerous occasions due to the pool hall being too cold which has affected the local community and school revenue. As such, the proposed capital investment will aid the financial sustainabi­lity and longevity of the pool.” The school’s pool is used by its own students, including GCSE swimming students, as well as 1,100 children on learn to swim programmes, which are run through different swim schools hiring the facility, and pupils from a further 13 primary schools holding 26 sessions each week.

It also offers family splash sessions and lane swimming for the local community. Councillor Nadine Peatfield, Derby City Council cabinet member for city centre, regenerati­on, culture and tourism, said: “We’re thrilled to have helped Allestree Woodlands School secure this funding.

“The pool is a valuable community facility and having access to it is really important in helping people to be physically active. In line with our climate change pledge, the work made possible by this funding will allow the pool to become more energy efficient with a reduced carbon footprint, so it can continue to offer health benefits for generation­s to come.”

The school says that it is now working closely with the company carrying out the works to plan suitable dates which would minimise disruption with the hope work can begin in the summer holidays.

Sports Minister Stuart Andrew said: “Millions of people swim every year in England, but high energy costs mean some pools are struggling financiall­y.

“I know from personal experience the health benefits of getting down to your local pool, whether that’s just for a few lengths, to swim with friends or a water aerobics class. This further £60 million of support from the Government and Sport England will make hundreds of swimming pools more energy efficient so they can keep offering their vital community and health benefits for generation­s to come.”

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 ?? ?? Allestree Woodlands School and its pool, above
Allestree Woodlands School and its pool, above

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