Derby Telegraph

Jilted stalker bombarded victim with more than 500 messages and missed calls



A JILTED Derby man bombarded his ex-partner with more than 500 messages and missed calls refusing to accept their relationsh­ip was over.

Nottingham Crown Court heard how Ryan Cooper also threatened to kill and burn the terrified woman during a relentless period of harassment of her.

The 33-year-old, of Allenton, had already been handed a two-year restrainin­g order for similar offending against the same victim.

But just a week after being given it, he turned up at her Osmaston home and started going through messages on her phone.

Prosecutor Serena Varatharaj­ah said: “In her victim impact statement she said she has felt suicidal and [did not want] to leave her house. She said she suffers panic attacks and she is fearful that when he gets out of prison he will start harassing and stalking her again.

“She has also been sent home from work and has lost money and as a result of that she has been struggling to pay the bills.”

Miss Varatharaj­ah said Cooper, of Whittingto­n Street, had been in a relationsh­ip with the victim but, in late September last year, was convicted of harassment of her.

She said as part of his punishment he was handed the restrainin­g order not to contact her or go to her home address.

But on October 5, around a week after he had been in court, he turned up unannounce­d at her home. Miss Varatharaj­ah said: “He said he had come to collect a drill and she left the room.

“When she came back he was going through text messages on her phone and found some from an expartner and she told the defendant to leave and to leave her alone but he started to message her constantly via text and TikTok.

“She blocked his number but that did not stop him.

“It was relentless, there were more than 500 messages. For example, on one day, on November 3, she received 357 messages or missed calls and on November 8 he sent her messages in which he made threats to kill and burn her.”

Cooper pleaded guilty to stalking, putting someone in serious alarm or distress.

Almas Ben-Aribia, mitigating onj Cooper’s behalf, said her client “recognises what he did is a serious offence” and “now accepts the relationsh­ip is over”.

She said: “His father is terminally ill and he speaks to him on a daily basis from custody.”

Recorder David Bedenham jailed the defendant for nine months, telling him: “You called her repeatedly, you threatened to kill her and you threatened to burn her and I was concerned to read in your pre-sentence report that you tried to minimise your responsibi­lity.

“It is clearly a serious offence and it crosses the custodial threshold.”

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