Derby Telegraph

Women ‘need quick redress on pensions’


WOMEN affected by the way state pension hikes were communicat­ed should receive fast and fair compensati­on, a committee of MPs has heard.

The Work and Pensions Committee hearing took place after a report by the Parliament­ary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) was issued in March.

The PSHO asked Parliament to intervene over complaints around how state pension changes were communicat­ed.

Jane Cowley, Waspi (Women Against State Pension Inequality) campaign director, told the Work and Pensions Committee: “In terms of things we’d like to see in a compensati­on scheme… we’d like it to be speedy because of the delays that have already gone on, we want… something that can be set up within weeks rather than years.”

She added: “It needs to be very simple, very clear, easy to operate.”

Ms Cowley told the committee: “We can’t have a ‘one-size-fits-all,’ it does have to take account of people’s different circumstan­ces.”

Ms Cowley said: “I think women need to be given the benefit of the doubt. We’ve had many years of women’s word being doubted by the DWP (Department for Work and Pensions) and I think we need to move on from that.”

She said a compensati­on scheme needs to be sensitive to the different amounts of notice women should have had about their pension start date changes, and what they were actually given.

She said: “Some women had one year’s notice of a three-month increase to their state pension age. Other women had 18 months’ notice of a six-year increase to their state pension age.

“Now it’s not difficult to see that the latter group are the ones who are far more likely to have suffered quite difficult consequenc­es because of that lack of knowing.”

Waspi chairwoman Angela Madden told the committee: “Women who were divorced had their divorce settlement­s based on… a pension age of 60. That means they were awarded less money in a divorce settlement, now that to me is clear financial loss.

“And there are other cases. And we think it would be fair to allow for that to be proven as part of a redress system.” Asked how important an apology is and who should make one, Ms Madden said: “I think every party has had a hand in what’s happened here.

“It started way back in 1995. There has been at least 10 pensions ministers while we’ve been running this campaign and I think the apology needs to come from the Department (for) Work and Pensions in general. So I think the apology from the current administra­tion will be quite important.”

Ms Madden told the committee: “An apology without a commitment to a fair remedy is not an apology at all, so I think that’s what we’d like to see from an apology.”

She later added: “We’ve tried throughout the course of our campaign to communicat­e and manage the expectatio­ns of women.

“We have a large following on social media, we’ve got members, we’ve got a website. Our reach is probably hundreds and hundreds of thousands of women and they do expect compensati­on, but they expect that compensati­on to match the injustice that they’ve suffered.”

The ombudsman’s report suggested that compensati­on at level four, ranging between £1,000 and £2,950, could be appropriat­e for each of those affected.

Ms Madden told the committee: “We are pleased with the report, it’s identified that there was maladminis­tration: big tick for us. It’s identified that there should be compensati­on: big tick for us.

“It’s also laid the report before Parliament, which we’re really happy with because we feel that Parliament is the right place for that decision to be made.

“The level suggested in the report, we think is on the low side.”

Asked why news of the state pension change had been missed, Ms Cowley said: “We’re going back to 1995 here. I think you have to think about the age of women at that time, what their lives might have been like. Many of them were not in work, they were at home at that time looking after families. There was some coverage in the newspapers but it was often on the financial pages of the newspapers…

“I think there was not a proper communicat­ions campaign by the DWP at that point… I think that’s something that’s quite easy to forget these days when everything is there on the internet at a touch of a button.”

Speaking in the House of Commons in March, Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride said there would be a full and proper considerat­ion of the ombudsman’s report.

Rebecca Hilsenrath, interim ombudsman at the PHSO, told the committee during a later session on Tuesday: “I do recognise the impacts on so many individual­s and I recognise that the Waspi women would have liked a higher level of compensati­on.”

But standing by the original recommenda­tion, she added: “We feel that the level four general descriptio­n of what the impact looked like for individual women was right.”

An apology without a commitment to a fair remedy is not an apology at all, so I think that’s what we’d like to see from an apology.

 ?? ?? Waspi chairwoman Angela Madden
Waspi chairwoman Angela Madden

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