Derby Telegraph

Condemned footbridge is a blow to viaduct’s overall plan to open site


THE Friends of Bennerley Viaduct are planning to celebrate the completion of the ramp at the eastern end of the Bennerley Viaduct on Saturday, August 3.

Until now people using child buggies, wheelchair­s, or mobility scooters could only get up to the deck from the western end (Erewash Canal towpath).

Cyclists have had to carry their machines up or down the eastern steps. The new ramp converts the viaduct into a through route for everyone.

People are invited to gather at the foot of the new ramp at 11am for the ribbon cutting.

The opening ceremony will be followed by a free guided walk.

Work is now set to start on phase two of the project which is the car park and visitor centre accessed from Shilo Way. Meanwhile, a footbridge over the River Erewash at the western end of the Bennerley Viaduct has been condemned as unsafe after flood damage.

The bridge belongs to Harworth Estates, owners of the old coal plant land to the north of the viaduct.

Friends of Bennerley Viaduct CEO Kate Crossley said: “This bridge has been a great asset to visitors getting access to the nature reserve underneath the viaduct from the western end. We are grateful to Harworth for sharing this route while they could. There will still be access to the underneath via the gate to the left of the new eastern ramp. But losing the bridge is a significan­t blow to our efforts to open the site. It is hugely disrupting to the circular walk that has been a favourite for visitors. The bridge was our main access point across the river for work parties, crucial for maintainin­g our nature area.”

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