Diecast Collector



look forward with great enthusiasm the next edition of my Diecast Collector magazine, as I recently subscribed. I am however, not new to diecasts and, at the grand old age of 50 something, I grew up with the original Corgi and matchbox superfast models that were all in played condition and thought boxes were a distractio­n! I am now building a sizeable collection of the above mentioned diecasts, all in near mint condition and ALL boxed! My reason for writing to you is to enquire about how to go about purchasing old stock of good quality originals that I can sell as a business. I see a number of sellers with some amazing and often rare models in excellent condition and often wondered how they obtain their stock. I am very keen to start a small online business, as I have fallen in love all over again with my diecasts and it's becoming a bit of an addiction! I'm not expecting to retire from my main job yet. I was thinking of putting a ‘wanted' ad in your magazine. Any advice or informatio­n would be very much appreciate­d and long continue with your excellent magazine.


IED Thanks for getting in touch. You sound like you are in a similar age bracket to me, and a similar collecting situation too, albeit without the selling bit for me. I'm printing your query here in the hope that we can garner some advice for you, but a 'wanted' ad might well help get you started, so I've emailed you with our advertisin­g contact. Oh and thank you for your kind words about the magazine - glad you enjoy it.

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