Diecast Collector



I read with interest Mike Pigott’s article Australian limited editions by Matchbox article in the November issue. Back in the 1980s, I was editor of Coventry Diecast Model Club’s Wheelspin magazine, when the late Bill Holt took over the Western Australian Model Collectors Club Showcase club magazine, and not only were we exchanging copies of our respective publicatio­ns, but also as we became firm friends, models as well, especially club promos or models of special interest. Bill was an ex-pat, a ten pound pom, and one of the founder members of WAMCC too. He and I became buddies, as I’ve said, and on several occasions when Bill and his lovely wife May were visiting the UK, they stayed with us for a few days at a time. We had an open invitation to go visit them, but it never materialis­ed. However, I still have some treasured shelves of models that he sent me over those years and I thought I might share them you following Mike’s article. Of particular interest may be the Dodge Commando Minties truck complete with a untouched packet of Minties on top. I think maybe they are just a bit beyond their sell by date by now. They are certainly not ‘Superfast! Another item that I think is very nice but may not be a limited edition is the boxed set of The Flavours of Australia containing six Matchbox Ford A vans in various liveries. On the back of the box are six panels giving a brief history of the brand. Another boxed set that Bill sent me is the 1996 Ronald McDonald House Camp Quality containing two Yesteryear models, a Ford TT van and a Model A Ford van although I realise that these are outside Mike’s Superfast series content, but thought I would add them show the diverse interest in Matchbox models in Australia. I won’t go into the other models that I accrued over the treasured years that Bill and I had a valued friendship and exchanges we made, but have a whole ‘OZ shelf’ in my Mini-Mobileum collection.

Will Roe, Coventry

ED Your ability to collect both models and friends always astounds me, Will! I remember you telling me about Bill some time ago, so sorry to hear that he has now passed. But what a great collection of models and memories you have there – it’s always wonderful to have stories to tell about each model, and that’s something you have a great talent for.

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