Digital Photographer



A series of shots from the same location can look great together


TAKE YOUR SHOTS Decide how many you’d like to include in the final montage then set about shooting them. You can concentrat­e on a specific colour theme, as here, or just shoot random images that relate to the location you’re in. Detail shots work well.


PROCESS THE IMAGES Once you’re home, download the images to your computer and process them. The files don’t need to be huge, so make JPeG copies and reduce the size to, say, 30cm on the longest edge. All of the images must be the same size and format.


ENLARGE THE CANVAS Open the first image in the montage and increase the size of the canvas so it’s big enough to add all other images, and choose white as the background colour. This montage will be three images wide by six deep so 80x110cm should be enough.


CREATE THE MONTAGE using the Move in Photoshop, drag and drop the next image onto the canvas. You can use the Move Tool to position the image next to the first one and the arrow keys to then fine-tune the position of the image. Repeat to complete the montage.


CROP AND FLATTEN crop any excess canvas then go to Layer>Flatten image to merge the layers. next, add a border by extending the canvas again. First add an even border all around the montage, then make the bottom edge deeper so that you have space to add some text.


ADD A TITLE click on the Text Tool icon in Photoshop then drag the cursor across the bottom border of the poster to create a text box. next, add a title or whatever text you like, then experiment with different type sizes, colours and typefaces until you’re happy with the result.

 ??  ?? FINISHED POSTERAnd here’s the final result – a classy, creative posterthat shows off the detail images to great effect and would look fantastic framedand hanging on a wall
FINISHED POSTERAnd here’s the final result – a classy, creative posterthat shows off the detail images to great effect and would look fantastic framedand hanging on a wall

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