Digital Photographer

Edit your story


This is a vital part of the process, but one that’s easily overlooked or treated too lightly

All photograph­ers are familiar with the concept of editing photos, but if you are shooting a series of images that needs to hold together satisfacto­rily, then this stage requires even more care and considerat­ion. It’s not only a matter of adjusting exposure, white balance and contrast – it’s also a matter of selecting the images that will actually form the final story. “Get opinions from people you trust,” advises Tom Oldham. “So much student work I see needs a far more brutal edit. Please put time in between you and your selects, revisit it and ask ‘does this contribute?’, and kill it if you’re wavering or even doubtful.”

Once you’re happy with the images that will be included in the story, you can then start to consider the next stage of the editing process, which involves the final look of the images. Consistenc­y is vital here, but if you have made good decisions during the planning and shooting stages, you will already have a headstart at this point.

“It all comes down to personal preference,” explains Tom Barnes. “I tend to prefer slightly under-saturated images with a bit of punch, but you might prefer lots of colour and some people like that hyper-real look as well. When it comes to the storytelli­ng element in post, you can control a lot of the emotion in the scene with your exposure and choice of colouring. If you are shooting something moody and dark you are most likely not going to crank the saturation up, likewise if you are shooting something punchy and fun you probably aren’t going to take too much colour away! There are obviously exceptions to this (as there are with every rule) but you are in control of everything. If you know what you are after, then you can achieve it – it all comes back down to planning, and knowing what it is you are trying to achieve.”

 ??  ?? Top
IZZY, HOUSE BASSIST a member of the palm tree trio, izzy is the house bassist and lays down the heaviness for the band and singers to build on. he’s rock solid and knows all the songs that a singer might call upon from
the american songbook
Top IZZY, HOUSE BASSIST a member of the palm tree trio, izzy is the house bassist and lays down the heaviness for the band and singers to build on. he’s rock solid and knows all the songs that a singer might call upon from the american songbook
 ??  ?? Right SHARON SCOTT while all of the performers at the palm tree pub exude panache, singer sharon scott brings some extra elegance and grace to the proceeding­s, both in terms of vocals and in
her attire
Right SHARON SCOTT while all of the performers at the palm tree pub exude panache, singer sharon scott brings some extra elegance and grace to the proceeding­s, both in terms of vocals and in her attire
 ??  ?? Above
PAUL WOOD paul wood has been singing
at the palm tree for three decades and still gives it his all. originally a friend of the landlord’s son from the city, he guested and now regularly hosts nights at the pub. a crooner of the old school Far...
Above PAUL WOOD paul wood has been singing at the palm tree for three decades and still gives it his all. originally a friend of the landlord’s son from the city, he guested and now regularly hosts nights at the pub. a crooner of the old school Far...

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