Digital Photographer



There are so many amazing places to choose from that it’s hard to narrow it down. Let’s start with Italy. I would say that for both photograph­y and just general beauty, Italy has so much to offer. From castles, to coastlines, to mountains, it’s a country of amazing diversity in both its landscapes and historical sites. It’s the country that I’ve probably spent the most time in while building my portfolio and I can still think of countless places I’d love to visit there. And let’s not leave out the food and wine, as that’s a huge win as well!

Japan has continued to be one of my all-time favourite destinatio­ns as well. Much like Italy, there are countless different areas to explore and photograph. I could easily spend a lifetime exploring Japan and barely scratch the surface.

Another really amazing thing about photograph­ing Japan is the distinct appearance of all four seasons.

From a visual aspect, spring and autumn really steal the show. In the springtime, millions of cherry blossom trees bloom almost everywhere you look and it’s a time when visitors and locals all celebrate the season.

As a photograph­er, it gives you the opportunit­y to capture scenes that only happen once a year. And if you happen to be late for the sakura, have no worries – you’re just in time for the wisteria flower season, which is astounding­ly beautiful as well.

While the spring sakura season is by far my favourite, the most popular season in Japan is autumn due to the multitude of colours as the leaves begin to change. Whether you’re in a major urban cityscape like Tokyo or in the countrysid­e of Nagano, every forested area explodes with colours and it’s an absolute delight to photograph.

For epic landscapes, I really feel like Patagonia steals the show because of the iconic mountains of Torres del Paine on the Chilean side and Fitz Roy on the Argentinia­n side. Being literally at the edge of the world, the weather can be extremely turbulent, which makes for both a unique experience as well as a dramatic photograph. Add in the abundant wildlife all around you and it’s an absolute visual delight.

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