Digital Photographer

Creative posing

When required, images should move beyond the static or standard, and engage the viewer with an unusual or creative pose


For me, trying more creative or daring poses with your subject comes when you’ve created a good rapport with them. If that’s been establishe­d, you’ll more likely get their cooperatio­n when you ask them to try something different, maybe the shot you’ve been aiming for all along. The creativity may just come in the form of them pulling a more animated face, or may require them doing something more physical like jumping, or putting themselves in a pose they would normally feel uncomforta­ble with.

The limits of each individual you have to judge as you go. Suggesting an idea casually can break the ice, and you can see their response and gauge whether they will be up for having a go. Being more creative requires risk, and it won’t always go to plan. But if you try, you might end up with your best shot.

Easy options for more creative shots could be asking your sitter to pull different faces, or play to camera. It could be as simple as them throwing their arms up or falling backwards in a chair. It may be that you ask them to sit in a more unorthodox way, or stand or sit on something they wouldn’t normally.

But it’s not always about them – mixing up your perspectiv­e by hunting for new ones can make the shot more creative, for example going high or low, or shooting through an object or past a person. Remember that this requires trust – shooting from above you’ll often have to stand over your model, which may be too intimate for some subjects. I find people want to be reassured that you’ll make them look good, and what you’re doing isn’t designed to humiliate them – showing them the images as you go can help this too.

If you’ve already pitched in and planned a more creative shoot, your subject should be aware of what’s going to happen. But if there’s a client in between, be sure that’s been communicat­ed, and always chat it through before you start. Sometimes what someone says they will do, and what they are actually willing to do, can be very different!


 ??  ?? Above CHANGE OF PERSPECTIV­E Try mixing up the perspectiv­e; here we shot down onto the model laid down
Above CHANGE OF PERSPECTIV­E Try mixing up the perspectiv­e; here we shot down onto the model laid down
 ??  ?? Left SOMETHING TO LEAN ON Here I gave my subject a ladder that was nearby to lean onto, and this helped make his stance more natural
Left SOMETHING TO LEAN ON Here I gave my subject a ladder that was nearby to lean onto, and this helped make his stance more natural

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