Digital Photographer



1 USE A TRIPOD When using natural light indoors, without the use of flash or other light modifiers, it is usually necessary to use a tripod because shutter speeds will be slower. A tripod will ensure a sharp shot. Turn off any image stabilisat­ion while using a tripod.

2 REMOTE RELEASE A remote release will help prevent camera shake as the shutter button is pressed, and will reduce the chances of the shot being blurry. Use live view on the LCD screen to compose the shot as you press the shutter on the remote.

3 CHOOSE CAMERA SETTINGS An aperture of f/8 or thereabout­s will provide a sharper image front to back, with an ISO of 100 selected to reduce noise. Set the shooting mode to the single shooting drive mode, as this is the standard mode for shooting a single photo. Make sure you are shooting in RAW, as it produces higher-quality files.

4 AND TEST SHOTS Fire off a few frames look at the histogram to check for blown-out highlights. When highlights are blown out, you cannot recover the detail in those areas. If the darks are too dark, use a reflector on the shadow side to raise the shadows.

5 MAKE ADJUSTMENT­S AND RESHOOT Adjust exposure compensati­on, rearrange props, make any necessary changes and reshoot. Sometimes changing the angle of the camera will result in a better image, so raise or lower the tripod and shoot again.

6 REVIEW Before dismantlin­g the setup, look at the photo on a computer – you may see something you would like to change. This will save you some work in setting up again to improve the shot.

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