Dunfermline Press

ScotFail and rotten roads have left us ‘imprisoned’ in Fife


As a metaphoric­al prisoner of Fife, I should just like to advise that since Scotfail has been taken over, the rail service has gone from, well, diabolical to worse than diabolical.

There do not appear to be shortages of carriages on many other routes, except in Fife. Two carriages for rush hour into Edinburgh and then two carriages for rush hour out of Edinburgh.

And please just stop saying, “We’re sorry for...”. The ‘sorry’ part has become perfunctor­y. Just tell us how many carriages we are lucky to expect and maybe finish it off with, “You’ve never had it so good” or, “Don’t like it? Then drive”.

Except we can’t really drive as there are more holes than there is road/ tarmac. PS, the boys and girls out on the rails / in stations are doing a sterling job. Thank you.

Ian Kitson-Hyde

Kelty company bosses are being held back by the government to not discuss or agree to anything the unions are fighting for.

This includes the CWU, RMT, nursing unions, teachers unions, coffin makers unions, council workers’ unions, you name it.

Low pay and poor conditions do not grow the economy. Meanwhile, the SNP is using this chaotic episode to push for independen­ce. This is not the answer.

They brought out their financial plan but this does not give any real answers. A general election – not a referendum – is needed to finally rid us of this corrupt, far-right ideologica­l UK Government.

Stand up with your union and be counted. If you aren’t in a union, join one. Fight for better pay and conditions and do not let this government make this a race to the bottom.

Garry Haldane,


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