Dunfermline Press

Stephens staff cook up £6,000 to help local community


BIG- HEARTED employees at Stephens Bakery have marked the company’s 150th birthday by raising over £6,000 for charity.

Workers took part in a range of fundraiser­s throughout June and their efforts were boosted with the firm matching every penny raised - taking the final total to more than £ 12,350.

Joint Managing Director Talia Sarafilovi­c said their efforts will help their work to continue to support local causes.

“In a brilliant display of community spirit, we are delighted that the Stephens Bakery team came together during the month of June to celebrate our 150th birthday and support the Stephens Bakery Foundation,” she commented.

“The month-long fundraisin­g campaign saw a diverse range of activities, from heartwarmi­ng coffee mornings to daring sponsored head shavings, all aimed at making a positive impact on their local communitie­s.

“The commitment to giving back was evident as we had an array of creative initiative­s including sponsored walks and cycles, sponsored silences, tombola’s, and raffles, which resulted in an amazing £6,179.44 raised.

“However, Stephens Bakery matched every single penny raised by our dedicated team so this doubles the fundraisin­g efforts to £ 12,358.88.”

The Stephens Bakery Foundation was establishe­d in 2018 to support education, community developmen­t and poverty relief initiative­s within the local area.

One of the cornerston­es of the Foundation’s mission is funding Breakfast Clubs in schools.

Its belief that every child deserves a nourishing start to their day has led the organisati­on to support more than 45 breakfast clubs on an ongoing basis, with an ever- present dedication to expanding this reach even further.

Since it was launched, the Stephens Foundation has provided over £ 175,000 in grants to various local causes.

 ?? ?? Stephens Bakery staff have raised over £6,000 to mark the firm’s 150th anniversar­y. Image: Stephens Bakery
Stephens Bakery staff have raised over £6,000 to mark the firm’s 150th anniversar­y. Image: Stephens Bakery

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