Dunfermline Press

New mental health support group for men launched in Rosyth

- By Ellidh Aitken ellidh.aitken@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk @ellidhaitk­en

A GROUP for men suffering from issues such as grief and suicidal thoughts has been launched in Rosyth.

Sandy Donaghy, a qualified counsellor, has kickstarte­d the project in the hope that he can help men experienci­ng similar problems to those he faced earlier in life.

The author, whose book The Longest Journey focusses on health and happiness, previously struggled with depression and homelessne­ss.

The group aims to provide a “safe and secure atmosphere for men to express their feelings, for all the members to feel that they are supported no matter what and most importantl­y that they are listened to.”

Sandy added that it is “for members to share how they recovered from feeling suicidal” and “for members to support each other”.

Membership is free with the only requiremen­t for joining being a “willingnes­s to change and contribute to group dynamics”.

Though based in Rosyth, membership is available to anyone from the surroundin­g areas.

Sandy said: “The main object of this meeting is to provide a secure space for the men to recover and live a life without the cloud of suicide hanging over them.

“We will heal each other.” Those who show commitment will also be invited to join a private Facebook group which will be available 24/7 to share any problems.

Sandy commented: “I created this group as a place for men who may be suffering in silence with grief, suicidal thoughts, shame, regret desperatio­n, a sense of not belonging.

“I have suffered all these conditions and come out the other side and you can too.

“With support from the group you will no longer be alone.”

The first meeting will take place at Parkgate Community Centre in Rosyth on September 5 at 6.30pm.

The second will be on September 8 at 11am and they will then continue weekly.

To get involved join the Mens Issues Rosyth/Fife page on Facebook.

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