Dunfermline Press

Biker tried to kill rival in violent road attack


A FORMER serviceman who joined an outlaw bike gang for the “camaraderi­e” has been given eight years for attempting to murder another motorcycli­st.

Barry Smith - a member of the Satans Slaves - drove his van into a motorcycle being driven by Andrew Lamb, a member of the Tribe Motorcycle Club.

The High Court in Edinburgh heard how the assault took place on July 24, 2021, on the A7 road close to the junction of the A6699 road at Selkirk, in the Scottish Borders.

Smith, of Dunfermlin­e, was acting as a support driver for a convoy of Satans Slaves as they drove their bikes in their area.

The 42- year- old was supposed to help motorcycli­sts who injured themselves or who broke down.

But the court heard how Smith used his van to carry out out an assault on Mr Lamb who was taken to hospital for urgent treatment.

Moments earlier, shocked eyewitness­es saw members of the Slaves fight with Tribe MCC members on the road.

Smith then drove his vehicle into Mr Lamb’s bike causing him to suffer debilitati­ng injuries.

A passing motorist filmed Smith at the scene in his van. They captured him whilst he wore a T- shirt which contained the slogan SFFS - which the court heard stood for ‘ Slaves Forever Forever Slaves’.

Police managed to gather enough evidence to bring Smith to court.

On Monday this week, Smith, who denied any wrongdoing during a week long trial in July, held his head in his hands after judge Fiona Tait told him he would be jailed for the attack.

Judge Tait told him: “I have listened to everything that has been said on your behalf this morning. However, this was a serious assault which has lasting and significan­t consequenc­es for the complainer.

“I’m of the view that a custodial sentence is the only appropriat­e disposal in this case. You will serve eight years in custody.”

The Satans Slaves Motorcycle Club was founded in Shipley, England in 1966. It is one of the largest outlaw biker clubs in the United Kingdom and has 29 chapters in England, Scotland and Germany.

They became infamous around the country for violence, bloodshed, run- ins with the law and clashes with rivals the Outlaws and Hells Angels.

At the trial in July, the jury heard that in the hours before the attack on Mr Lamb, around 125 motorcycli­sts descended upon the area.

Some had come from England and other parts of Scotland.

An eyewitness said the bikes being driven by the motorcycli­sts resembled those belonging to Hells Angels.

The court heard that after striking Mr Lamb, Smith didn’t contact emergency services and drove away from the scene.

His vehicle was damaged from the collision and it was abandoned further down the road. He was spotted a short distance from the scene by a member of the Tribe.

He told the motorcycli­st to stop in an aggressive manner. But the court heard that the cyclist was concerned that he would be assaulted and drove away.

On Monday, defence advocate John Brannigan told judge Tait that his client still maintained he was innocent of any wrongdoing.

The lawyer said that Smith had spoken to a court appointed social worker about how he had joined the gang for the “camaraderi­e”.

He said that Smith didn’t have a formal diagnosis but had experience­d “symptoms” of PTSD.

Mr Brannigan also asked the court to consider imposing a non custodial sentence.

He added: “There are a number of protective factors.

“He comes from a supportive family, has a good work record and, apart from his membership of the motorcycle gang, has lived a prosocial life.”

However, judge Tait told Smith he’d have to serve jail time for his crime. She also endorsed his driving licence with 10 penalty points.

 ?? ?? JAILED: Barry Smith was given an eight-year prison sentence when he appeared at the High Court this week.
JAILED: Barry Smith was given an eight-year prison sentence when he appeared at the High Court this week.

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