Dunfermline Press

Fringe shows join line-up at Outwith 2023


SOME of the best shows at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival will perform at Dunfermlin­e’s Outwith Festival.

A range of performers, including comedians, musicians, literary stars and a director, have joined the lineup for the city’s own music and arts festival.

The star of ‘ Two Doors Down, Kieran Hodgson, will bring his very funny, one- man comedy ‘ Big in Scotland’ to Outwith following rave reviews.

Fife’s own Cora Bissett is set to deliver an acting masterclas­s and a short film Q&A following an Edinburgh run of her hit play, ‘ What Girls Are

Made Of.’

Fellow Fifer and director Andrew Cummings will introduce his film The Origin, a technicall­y- brilliant chiller set in the palaeolith­ic era of Scotland.

The film will then be screened at the Carnegie Hall having had its premiere at the Edinburgh Film Festival earlier this year.

Jay Lafferty, who was listed as one of the best comedians to look out for in Edinburgh this year, will headline Outwith’s comedy night.

And not to worry if you missed literary stars Victoria Mackenzie, Kathleen Jamie and Clare Hunter at the Edinburgh Book Festival because you can catch up with them when they are in Dunfermlin­e to deliver a selection of top-quality writing events.

Finally, mega- talented pianist Sean Logan, star of Channel 4’s The Piano, will also follow his Edinburgh run with a unique, one- off performanc­e in Dunfermlin­e Abbey.

Dunfermlin­e’s Outwith Festival will run from Wednesday, September 6, until Sunday, September 10 this year.

More informatio­n and tickets for each of these performanc­es can be found by going to the Outwith Festival on Eventbrite.

 ?? ?? Kieran Hodgson is one of the top performers at the Fringe heading to Dunfermlin­e’s Outwith Festival.
Kieran Hodgson is one of the top performers at the Fringe heading to Dunfermlin­e’s Outwith Festival.

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