Dunfermline Press

Women’s voices will be heard at Carnegie Hall

Human rights play set for double showing next month

- Chloe.Goodall@newsquest.co.uk

Chloe Goodall

A PLAY depicting the stories of seven women who bravely fought for the well- being of women, families, and children will be performed in Dunfermlin­e next month.

Making Rights Real, a Scottish grassroots human rights organisati­on, will be bringing the human rights play, SEVEN, to the Carnegie Hall on Saturday, September 9, for two moving performanc­es.

A riveting piece of documentar­y theatre, SEVEN tells a range of stories, from protecting women from domestic violence in Russia and rescuing girls from human traffickin­g in Cambodia, to promoting peace in Northern Ireland.

The play has been seen by over 25,000 people in 32 countries and has been translated into 20 languages but September’s performanc­e marks the first public performanc­e of the play in Scotland.

All of the performers are Scottish women living in West Fife or across the Central Belt.

Inez McCormack, the Northern Irish trade unionist and peace campaigner, is one of the women featured in the play.

Her daughter, Anne McCormack, lives in Kinross and is an activist herself, as chair of the charity and foodbank provider, Broke Not Broken.

Anne, who is volunteeri­ng to support this project, said: “Being part of this production of SEVEN is so important to me for lots of reasons. Seeing activists supporting each other and starting to see their worth is amazing. To see the glint in their eyes, to quote my mum.

“Part of the legacy she wanted for those she left behind was to continue to be ‘ effectivel­y annoying’.

“Personally, I find the annoying bit pretty easy, but to bring lots of activists together to amplify the voices of Scottish women feels like it will be incredibly effective.”

Rehearsals have been taking place in Inverkeith­ing and Glasgow since August 2022.

All members of the cast are women who are human rights activists in their own communitie­s. Most have never acted before and range in age from 25 to 70 years old.

Through rehearsing and performing SEVEN, Director Suzi

Morrice, who lives in Limekilns, has used the language of human rights to talk about naming and claiming real rights. Women experienci­ng human rights violations are usually excluded from naming and claiming their human rights.

Lorraine Barrie, from Making Rights Real, added: “We are incredibly excited to bring SEVEN to Dunfermlin­e for both a matinee and evening performanc­e on September 9.

“We don’t want cost to be a barrier to anyone who wishes to come. Concession price tickets are available and we have a small budget to reimburse public transport and childcare costs for audience members - just ask the box office at time of booking.”

To book your tickets, visit the OnFife website.

 ?? ?? The play will be performed at the Carnegie Hall next month.
The play will be performed at the Carnegie Hall next month.

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