Dunfermline Press

Faulty crossing is putting children’s lives at risk


I am writing to you as a very concerned grandfathe­r regarding the pedestrian crossing at Rumblingwe­ll Road, Dunfermlin­e. My grandson happens to live in the area and uses this crossing to go to and from Milesmark Primary School every school day.

For over two years this crossing has had an intermitte­nt fault which, when the fault is there, stops the crossing from functionin­g from the south to the north direction. In other words from his house to the school side. My daughter needs to see him over the crossing every school day.

The fault has been reported several times and the school has kept a log of each time it is reported. When the crossing is looked at and tinkered with, no fault is found and left intermitte­ntly working until it is next reported. I have spoken to the repair men who have told me, probably off the cuff, that it is just the system and needs to be renewed. They know it is a problem crossing. Very unsatisfac­tory.

I reported the faulty crossing to the local MSP. She sent a reply that she was told it was being dealt with once a new part arrives. That was before the summer holidays. Two months ago.

I tried the crossing last Friday and it was not working. On Sunday it was fine and then Monday, when my grandson went to use it for school, faulty.

Rumblingwe­ll Road is a very busy road, as you are probably well aware, and when the 20mph speed limit is in force approachin­g the school it is mostly ignored.

Will it take a child to be knocked down, God forbid, before this crossing is repaired and fully functional?

John Forsyth,

Rowallan Crescent,

Prestwick. be removed to cover the school runs. Disgracefu­l!

As I’ve said before, when my mother worked on the buses in the 70s and 80s, separate buses were always available for the school runs.

To be fair, none of us should reasonably expect the same service on a Sunday as we would during the week, but no service at at all is completely unacceptab­le under any circumstan­ces.

Bay Travel appear to be picking up a lot of the slack.

When I was working in Inverkeith­ing recently, I was surprised to see how many of their small buses ran around very busy areas, including Spittalfie­ld Crescent, where all the cars have to park on the same side of the road, allowing the Bay buses to travel around unhindered.

Why can’t some of these buses be deployed round my area as they can access them easier?

Derek Beveridge, Fife Council’s lead consultant for transport said: “We’ll continue to collate feedback from customers and liaise with the bus companies.”

Good luck, there’s more complaints about the bus services than anything else, and as I’ve also pointed out previously, it’s continuall­y met with a deafening silence.

Stagecoach may he proud of going green, but many of us are going green with anger regarding their attitude to the public.

Subsidised by the Scottish Government to the tune of almost

£ 30 million ( in Fife alone) it’s little wonder that they need to worry about providing a decent service.

Eric Travers,

Gellatly Road,


 ?? ?? Police officers in Scotland are feeling undervalue­d as negotiatio­ns over a pay deal continue to be unresolved.
Police officers in Scotland are feeling undervalue­d as negotiatio­ns over a pay deal continue to be unresolved.

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