Dunfermline Press

A tartan fit for

- By Clare Buchanan Reporter cbuchanan@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk

DUNFERMLIN­E’S new city tartan has been unveiled after an inter school competitio­n to choose a design.

Third year art students at the city’s four high schools were asked to come up with a new tartan and a civic reception to announce the winning creation was held in the Glen Pavilion this week.

The contest was the idea of The Kilt Company in Dunfermlin­e who initially approached Fife Council to make the suggestion.

Queen Anne High pupil Savannah Mortimer’s came top of the 25 submitted entries with fellow Queen Anne High students Willow Gunn and Rohan Mitchell coming second and third.

The new City Tartan is a colourful design including the colours blue, red, grey, black, gold and white.

At Wednesday’s unveiling, guests from Dunfermlin­e’s charities, community organisati­ons, businesses, sports organisati­ons, education facilities, clergy, military, first responders and politician­s gathered to see the new tartan.

Provost Jim Leishman was impressed with the new tartan design.

“Having our own tartan is a great addition for the city - I’m looking forward to the day when I can proudly wear it,” he said. “I want to thank Savannah and Queen

Anne High School for their winning designs and The

Kilt Company for coming up with the idea.”

City of Dunfermlin­e Area Convener, Cllr James Calder added: “Last night was a celebratio­n of Dunfermlin­e’s city status. Having our own City Tartan gives people another connection to Dunfermlin­e through the tartan they wear.”

Charlie Brine, Owner of The Kilt Company, said they wanted to mark Dunfermlin­e’s city status and thought a city tartan would be a good way to do this.

“We worked with Fife Council to come up with a school design competitio­n and we now have a vibrant and historic tartan for the City of Dunfermlin­e,” he explained.

A kilt is being made in the City of Dunfermlin­e tartan for the Provost and will soon be available to purchase from kilt suppliers. Framed samples of the City of Dunfermlin­e tartan will be displayed at the City Chambers, Queen Margaret Hospital and Carnegie Museum.

Celebratio­ns on the night also included performanc­es from Dunfermlin­e Youth Chorus and Allana Brown School of Dance, songs from Lily Mentiplay and a speech on the history of Dunfermlin­e from Jim Leggat OBE, Deputy Lieutenant of Fife.

Having our own tartan is a great addition for the city - I’m looking forward to the day when I can proudly wear it...”

 ?? ?? GRAND UNVEILING: Provost Jim Leishman with Angela Robertson and Cllr James Calder with finalists Willow Gunn both from Queen Anne HS. and Rohan Mitchell
GRAND UNVEILING: Provost Jim Leishman with Angela Robertson and Cllr James Calder with finalists Willow Gunn both from Queen Anne HS. and Rohan Mitchell
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