Dunfermline Press

Championsh­ip recognitio­n for Allana’s school

Dunfermlin­e quartet win silverware

- By Chloe Goodall Reporter Chloe.Goodall@newsquest.co.uk

FOUR Highland dancers from the Allana Brown School of Dancing have returned home from the world championsh­ips with wins.

Connie Urquhart, 13, Brooke McAlonie, 16, Lucy Forrest, 17, and Louise Barton, 22, all succeeded in winning trophies in their respective age groups in the championsh­ips at the Cowal Gathering in Dunoon.

A delighted Allana told the Press: “I am so very proud of all four of the girls returning home with the silverware which is an amazing achievemen­t and a result of their dedication and hard work.”

The girls, who train with Allana in the dance studio of Dunfermlin­e High School, have also had an extremely successful Highland Games and championsh­ip season and have won across the country.

The dance school held a charity festival the week before the championsh­ips in Dunfermlin­e High School where they raised the sum of £2,200 for The Arran Brown Rainbow Foundation, which supports various projects and research into autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD).

On top of all this, the school enjoyed performing at acivic reception held in The Glen Pavilion last Wednesday to celebrate Dunfermlin­e’s city status and the launch of its new tartan.

The performanc­e team included the four Cowal trophy winners as well as Ellie Forrester, Aimee Munro, Erin Bruce, Yishi Tan, and Anne Cui.

As well as traditiona­l highland dances they performed for the first time in public a dance choreograp­hed by the dance school entitled ‘A Tribute to The City of Dunfermlin­e’ which was very well received.

The performanc­e team enjoy performing at hotels, charity events and various functions throughout the country.

For more informatio­n, contact Allana by emailing oallana213@gmail.com.

 ?? ?? The Allana Brown Highland Dancing performanc­e team, which includes the four winners at the World Championsh­ips recently.
The Allana Brown Highland Dancing performanc­e team, which includes the four winners at the World Championsh­ips recently.

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