Dunfermline Press

Improvemen­t work in Kincardine scrapped

Regenerati­on project is shelved due to increasing costs

- By Clare Buchanan Reporter cbuchanan@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk

PLANS which would have seen a range of improvemen­ts taking place in Kincardine have been shelved due to funding issues.

The Imagine Kincardine project had aimed to help regenerate the area and had looked at ideas such as improving active travel links and enhancing pedestrian spaces in the village.

However a joint statement from the Coalfields Regenerati­on Trust, Fife Council and Sustrans confirmed that the brakes have been placed on the scheme.

It said: “We are all deeply disappoint­ed that we are unable to progress with the Imagine Kincardine project.

“Unfortunat­ely, owing to the significan­t increases in the costs of raw materials as well as the continuing pressures on national public spending, it is not viable for any of the current organisati­ons involved to take this project forward.

“We are immensely grateful to the community of Kincardine for their unwavering support in developing the project to this stage. Thanks to your contributi­ons, we now have a completed proposal in place which will hopefully help inform active and sustainabl­e travel ambitions for

Kincardine in the future.

“All partners involved in the project are ready to share the completed proposal with any organisati­on which may wish to take on the delivery of this worthwhile project going forward.”

Dunfermlin­e MSP Shirley-Anne

Somerville described the announceme­nt as “disappoint­ing”.

She added: “I would like to acknowledg­e the hard work and dedication of the Coalfields Regenerati­on Trust, who I know invested a lot of time and resources into this project. I’m sure this will not have been an easy decision.

“While the project’s cancellati­on is undoubtedl­y a blow, it should not deter us from continuing to pursue opportunit­ies for future growth and developmen­t.

“I stand ready to work with other key stakeholde­rs to try and explore innovative solutions and initiative­s that can benefit local communitie­s, both in Kincardine and across West Fife.”

Local Councillor Graeme Downie added: “This will be a real blow to the people in Kincardine, particular­ly the CRT team who have worked with the community and local people on these plans that would have delivered real improvemen­ts.

“I will be speaking with colleagues and stakeholde­rs to discuss how we can work together to improve Kincardine in the future.”

 ?? ?? Plans to make a range of improvemen­ts in Kincardine have been scrapped.
Plans to make a range of improvemen­ts in Kincardine have been scrapped.

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