Dunfermline Press

Faith in the city on Peace Walk

- By Chloe Goodall

A SCOTTISH faith group are due to be holding their annual Peace Walk in Dunfermlin­e today (Thursday).

The Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society (SABS) is a faith group working to meet the needs of the Scottish Shia Muslim community through works in partnershi­p across the country on cultural, social and religious projects.

This year they are holding their pilgrimage through Dunfermlin­e, and stopping off at local landmarks along the way.

Azhar Hussnain the general secretary of SABS, said: “Every year, during the second month of the Islamic Calendar on the 40th day following the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, millions of Muslims undertake a pilgrimage.

“This pilgrimage is a walk between the Holy Cities of Najaf and Karbala in Iraq. The walk signifies peace, hope, justice, and the loftiest human ideals.

“Here in Scotland, the Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society has replicated that walk, The Arba’een Walk. Initially held in Glasgow and subsequent­ly brought to Edinburgh, the walk showcased a successful collaborat­ion between faith and non-faith communitie­s, as well as civic leaders across the board.”

The Peace Walks were started by the charity as a way of fostering stronger relationsh­ips and forging new connection­s across the country.

The Dunfermlin­e walk, starting at Queen Margaret Hospital, is led by Ameed Versace, SABS’ resilient earth director.

The group is due to walk across the city, stopping off at Dunfermlin­e Athletic Football Club, Dunfermlin­e Central Mosque, Dunfermlin­e Fire Station, Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, St Margaret’s Memorial RC Church, Dunfermlin­e Police Station, Fire Station Creative, St Margarets Cave, Carnegie Trust, Pittencrie­ff Park, Andrew

Carnegie Birthplace Museum, Dunfermlin­e Abbey and Palace, Dunfermlin­e Carnegie Library and Gallery and Abbot House.

To mark the end of their pilgrimage, they will convene at the Dunfermlin­e City Chambers where a private civic reception sponsored by Provost Leishman will take place.

Mr Hussnain added: “This year’s walk will be even more impactful as it takes place in Dunfermlin­e and its new surroundin­gs.

“It embodies the fellowship that exists among individual­s from diverse background­s and has garnered the support of the Provost of Fife and the city.”

 ?? ?? The Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society (SABS) is conducting its annual Peace Walk in Dunfermlin­e today (Thursday September 7).
The Scottish Ahlul Bayt Society (SABS) is conducting its annual Peace Walk in Dunfermlin­e today (Thursday September 7).
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