Dunfermline Press

Kelty coaches on an African mission

Bob and Lee set for trip of a lifetime to Rwanda

- By Clare Buchanan cbuchanan@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk

TWO Kelty football coaches are going out to Africa to share their coaching skills with local youngsters.

Lee Jarrett and Bob Sutherland, who train the Kelty Hearts’ Community Club’s 2012 team, will head out in January for the trip of a lifetime which has been organised by the Scottish Football for Rwanda charity.

The pair are currently fundraisin­g for the trip which will see them pass on their tuition to a range of groups.

“We am very excited about it,” said Lee, whose 11 yearold son Aiden plays for the Kelty team.

“I follow coaching pages and stuff to get ideas and it came through that. I saw it advertised and it went from there. I thought it would be a good thing to do.

“Each day is going to be different. There will be about 13 or 14 coaches going out and a coach from the SFA and Hearts’ senior team. We will take some of the sessions and help out with some too.”

Bob, whose grandson Kyle plays for the Kelty side, added: “We visit orphanages, street kids, academies, football academies and we will be coaching every day.

“I think it will be street kids and orphanages in the mornings then academy football in the afternoons.

“We will also visit the memorial of the genocide which happened in 1994.

“I have worked in third world countries before.

“I helped set up a school in Indonesia so I have a bit of experience. I know how much people who have nothing will tend to give you everything.”

Raffles and auctions have already been organised to help support the trip and a fundraisin­g night will take place in Wee Jimmies in Cowdenbeat­h on Saturday, October 21.

Fife band The Iotas and local entertaine­r Michael Law will be providing the entertainm­ent for the evening.

Tickets are £10 and can be bought by calling 07765 295092.

 ?? ?? Bob Sutherland and Lee Jarrett are heading to Rwanda to coach local youngsters. Image: Contribute­d
Bob Sutherland and Lee Jarrett are heading to Rwanda to coach local youngsters. Image: Contribute­d
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