Dunfermline Press

Aberdour cafe is named best in central Scotland

- Ellidh.aitken@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk @ellidhaitk­en

Ellidh Aitken

AN ABERDOUR cafe is enjoying its place in the sun after it was named the best in central Scotland.

Sands, A Place by the Sea on Silver Sands beach won the Best Cafe/ Bistro award for the region at the Food Awards Scotland.

However, co- owners Nova and Ervin Gamble thought they were walking away with nothing at the ceremony in Glasgow, when their announceme­nt was missed - and only added in at the end of the night.

Nova told the Press: “We assumed the highly commended was the winner. Then, when we were leaving, they came on and said they needed to announce some winners.

“We are delighted, over the moon. It is mainly for my team, every day they do such a good job and I genuinely feel we have the best customer service. They really care about the business, it is a bit of a reward for them.”

The couple were joined by several members of staff at the ceremony with little expectatio­n of winning.

But Nova says it was an “amazing” feeling and credited their workers.

Sands opened 11 years ago and in last year won a title at the Fife Business Awards and the national business awards.

“We have progressed massively since we opened,” Nova said. “Me and my husband were working every day, now we don’t have to.

“We get more regulars in the winter time, the beach gets so busy with tourists in the summer.

“There is not much more we can do because it is a council building, we can’t extend or do alteration­s. We do change the menu, and the chefs use the specials board more in the winter.”

The cafe offers fresh, made to order meals, including fish and chips, seafood chowder, soups and scones, as well as special wraps and different types of fish depending on the season.

Nova and Ervin live in Burntislan­d and their ice cream shop there, Novelli’s, was Highly Commended in the Dessert Outlet of the Year category.

 ?? ?? The team from Sands, A Place by the Sea, at the awards ceremony.
The team from Sands, A Place by the Sea, at the awards ceremony.

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