Dunfermline Press

Cyclists using cycle lanes only when it suits them


WHILST myself, Clark Cross and many others continuall­y berate the outrageous ‘ I own the road’ attitude of some cyclists, their cause certainly isn’t helped by the following scenario.

As I was travelling down the dual carriagewa­y towards Rosyth, there was a cyclist on the road in front of me.

I was unable to pass him in the outside lane as other traffic was passing me.

I did the due diligence and stayed the appropriat­e distance behind him.

However, the crossing lights at Pitreavie were at red, so all motorised traffic was stopped.

Not a problem for our cyclist though, who immediatel­y diverted onto the designated cycle lane, skipped the lights, and then returned on to the road in front of all the previously stopped traffic.

So, obviously, cycle lanes are great at some points.

I can assure you that when I finally got past him in Rosyth I made my feelings well known.

Eric Travers,

Gellatly Road,

Dunfermlin­e. letter to the Press.

Firstly he comments negatively about Mr Harvie’s election through the Regional List system. This is the method by which the votes for all the political parties across Scotland are balanced out to better represent the views of the whole population.

Most of the Conservati­ve, Liberal Democrat and a great number of Labour MSPs are appointed to the Scottish Parliament on this basis.

By contrast the Westminste­r Parliament is elected solely on a first past the post method, one of only two to do so in Europe. The other being Belarus.

Secondly Mr Travers lambastes Mr Harvie for attempting to put in place policies aimed at protecting the environmen­t, many of which have been thwarted by the UK Government for political gain.

We are facing a horrendous future if government­s do not act now to do everything in their powers to stop burning fossil fuels and create a country where we reuse and recycle and protect every aspect of the environmen­t.

Donald MacKay,

Lyne Grove,


Elizabeth II, falling this week, the question arises as to how we can honour her memory and recognise her superlativ­e public service as head of state of this and other countries.

In the current era of a soaring national debt, rapidly rising prices and strained public budgets, an expensive public monument is out of the question. However, the renaming of a suitable public structure represents an almost cost free alternativ­e.

Why don’t we rename the magnificen­t Queensferr­y Crossing which her Majesty opened in 2017 as the Queen Elizabeth II Bridge?

At 1.7 miles long and over 200 metres high, this is a bridge on a royal scale. It is also a truly beautiful bridge, and with a design life of 120 years, it could honour our late Queen’s memory well into the 22nd century. Otto Inglis,



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