Dunfermline Press

Time to raise a glass as charity beer fest returns

- By Ellidh Aitken Reporter ellidh.aitken@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk

IT’S time to raise a glass as Dunfermlin­e Charity Beer Festival returns with a host of new breweries and local favourites on board.

The event will take place in October - a month later than last year - as it restores its pre- pandemic slot in the city calendar.

Craig Smith, member of Dunfermlin­e Round Table, which organises the festival alongside Dunfermlin­e Rugby Club, said: “The Dunfermlin­e Charity Beer Festival returned last year after a three year break due to the Covid- 19 pandemic and the biggest challenge we seem to be having is just getting the word out that we are back.

“The Beerfest is slightly later this year in on October 20 and 21 rather than end of September, but let’s face it, October is the time for beer festivals and so we’re glad to bring the event back to October where it was traditiona­lly when we first started the Beerfest.

“However, this time we’re right at the tail end of the Fife school holidays, so hopefully that will help with the lovely folk of Dunfermlin­e coming out in numbers to support their local Charity Beer Festival.

“This year we have listened to feedback and we are introducin­g a few new breweries to the Beerfest, as well as some usual favourites.

“We’re delighted that Harviestou­n and Stewart Brewing are returning to the Beerfest, as well as local favourites Inner Bay, Beath Brewing and Salt Rock.

“However, we’re also excited to also be featuring a number of new beers from other breweries this year such as Tempest Brewing from Galashiels, Loch Lomond Brewery in Dumbarton and also Falkirkbas­ed micro brewery Not That California Brewing Company.”

Dunfermlin­e Charity Beer Festival was back on last year after a hiatus due to the pandemic and was met with success as hundreds of people turned out to enjoy the day.

Craig continued: “We simply couldn’t put on the event year after year raising funds for charities and local good causes without the massive public support we get and that support extends to local businesses too.

“We’ve had several local businesses contact us to sponsor a barrel of beer and to enquire as to other sponsorshi­p options are available.

“Sponsorshi­p of the event bring a range of benefits, including advertisin­g in the run up to the event and throughout the weekend and also getting tickets to the event for staff while also supporting their community via a charitable donation.

“If any local businesses would like to add their name to the Charity Beerfest this year, then I’d urge them to get in touch via our Facebook page as soon as possible to discuss further while sponsorshi­p options are still available.”

The festival will take place at the Glen Pavilion on Friday, October 20, from 5pm and Saturday, October 21, from 7pm, with music from bands Sid’s Garage and Whiteside.

Those interested in attending can visit www. tickets. roundtable. co. uk and search for Dunfermlin­e Beer Festival, or search @ dunfermlin­ebeerfesti­val on Facebook.

 ?? ?? CHEERS: The annual charity beer festival returns this October
CHEERS: The annual charity beer festival returns this October

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