Dunfermline Press

‘Human swan’ set to land in Dunfermlin­e

- By Ellidh Aitken Reporter ellidh.aitken@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk

A CONSERVATI­ONIST known as the ‘human swan’ will be landing in Dunfermlin­e to talk about her experience­s.

Sacha Dench will discuss stories, images and first-person accounts of the lives and journeys of ospreys as part of the Royal Scottish Geographic­al Society’s Inspiring People talks programme.

She will explain how her Conservati­on Without Borders team followed the impressive birds from the sky, the land, and even underwater, all the way to Africa and back, to investigat­e where they go, who they meet, and why we lose so many on this great migration.

She said: “In 2022 I set off on the ‘Flight of the Osprey’ expedition, our journey migrating from Scotland to West Africa with these incredible birds to investigat­e why 70 per cent of the young birds that leave our country on migration never return, and what we can do about it.”

Alison Thompson, local group chair, added: “We are really pleased to be hosting Sacha for our 2023-24 Inspiring People talks programme this year, often referred to as ‘the human swan’, after her expedition ‘Flight of the Swans’ saw her flying by paramotor from Arctic Russia across 11 countries to the UK.

“Now she will be taking us on a journey to understand the lives of Ospreys through an unforgetta­ble tale of adventure and environmen­talism.”

The talk will take place at 7pm on Wednesday, October 4, at Dunfermlin­e High School.

Tickets are free for RSGS members, students and under 18s and are £10 for general admission.

Anyone in interested should book in advance online via rsgs.org/ events or tickets will be available on the night by cash payment only.

 ?? ?? Sacha Dench will be giving a talk in Dunfermlin­e about her experience­s.
Sacha Dench will be giving a talk in Dunfermlin­e about her experience­s.

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