Dunfermline Press

Councillor battles through injury to complete Kiltwalk

- By Jamie Sinclair Reporter editorial@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk

DUNFERMLIN­E North Councillor Auxi Barrera has raised £ 442 through the Kiltwalk for Autism Rocks - but she had to fight through the pain barrier.

It was a tough battle for Cllr Barrera who had injured her leg in preparatio­n for the walk, but she managed to do as much as she possibly could in a fantastic effort.

Cllr Barrera said: “Since I decided to do the Kiltwalk I have been doing wee walks around home but unfortunat­ely, I injured my left leg the week before and had to rest the entire week and take strong pain killers for it.

“I started to be able to move better by Friday, so I decided to give it a go, and although I did not manage to walk the entire 15 miles, I did manage to walk seven miles before my leg decided that it had had enough and that it was time to call the recovery team who took me to the finish line.”

Autism Rocks do amazing work within the community and Cllr Barrera felt they were a more than worthy cause, especially after seei ing fi first- th hand d th the incredible dibl work that they do.

Barerra said: “I wrote to Liz Quinn, CEO of Autism Rock, just a few days after I signed up for the

ikKilt Kiltwalk lk and dh she was very welcoming and kindly invited me over to see their hub during a session with teenagers.

“She and her team of volunteers showed me their space, activities, and games available for anyone with autism of any age.

“The space and activities are designed to make everyone feel secure and unjudged and for their parents, other family members or carers to have the tranquilli­ty and the peace of mind that their loved ones are safe there.”

This is the most recent charity venture by Cllr Barrera after shaving her head and raising money for the Little Princess Trust in 2019 and supporting the Dunfermlin­e Salvation Army through the Kiltwalk last year.

She said: “I would like to thank everyone that has supported me and donated to this amazing organisati­on, including Douglas Chapman MP who wrote to me wishing me good luck.

“I managed to raise £ 442 and the fundraisin­g page still open for a few more days and I would love to reach the £ 500 target.

“Autism Rocks makes a real difference to so many lives and I would encourage anyone to donate to this cause to make a difference to the autistic people not only from Fife but from surroundin­gs areas as well.”

If you want to support Cllr Barreras effort to raise funds for Autism Rocks then you can donate to her justgiving page https:// www. justgiving. com/ page/ auxi- barrera- autism- rocks- fife.

 ?? ?? UNDETERRED: Cllr Auxi Barrera still took part in the Kiltwalk despite injuring her leg.
UNDETERRED: Cllr Auxi Barrera still took part in the Kiltwalk despite injuring her leg.
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