Dunfermline Press

Justyna’s design is benchmark for Woodland Trust contest


A BENCH designed by a Dunfermlin­e student has been given pride of place in a Fife beauty spot.

Justyna Stanka, along with some of her HNC Furniture Class colleagues, entered a contest run in partnershi­p with The Woodland Trust earlier this year.

The Fife College students were given the opportunit­y to showcase their creativity by designing and building model benches before presenting them to a judging panel which included staff from the Woodland Trust Scotland.

After much deliberati­on, Justyna’s design was chosen as the winner.

The bench went into production during the summer with the finished article now in situ at the Formonthil­ls Woodlands in Glenrothes.

Justyna, from Dunfermlin­e, said: “The design is very simple, using just six pieces of locally sourced wood. I wanted to design a bench big enough for a group of people, it can be used as a table or seat or both. People can sit on every edge to take in whatever views they want to contemplat­e.

“The bench was built with the help of my amazing lecturers and fellow students.

“It is fantastic to see the finished bench installed in the picturesqu­e woodlands of Formonthil­ls.”

Fife College HNC Furniture Lecturer, Claire Thomson, added: “Projects like this significan­tly enhance our students’ learning journey, offering them genuine, hands- on experience.

“The Woodland Trust project brief presented its own distinctiv­e set of challenges, which the students enjoyed working on and I am especially proud of their finished model designs.

“Our Furniture course aims to equip students for success in the profession­al realm beyond college, and this project offers them a valuable glimpse into the future roles they might embrace upon graduation.”

 ?? ?? Justyna Stanka with her award winning bench design.
Justyna Stanka with her award winning bench design.

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