Dunfermline Press

Let’s embrace Archie’s idea of historic murals


ARCHIE FRAIL clearly knows his Scottish history, particular­ly in relation to Dunfermlin­e, and he’s come up with an excellent idea regarding the installati­on of murals of King Robert

The Bruce and Sir Thomas Randolph to look out over the proposed new city square. Was it just a coincidenc­e, or indeed perfect planning by the Dunfermlin­e Press, that Mr Frail’s proposals were on page six, whilst on the opposite page were the council’s suggestion­s regarding the city’s £ 800,000 ‘ centrepiec­e’?

This should in no way whatsoever involve the relocation of the 15th century Mercat Cross, especially as it would appear that any attempt to move the ancient monument would most likely cause irrevocabl­e damage to the structure. Leave it where it is, at the centre of the city, and instead focus on new developmen­ts and new ideas.

Mr Frail’s murals would be an exemplary part of the ‘ centrepiec­e,’ with The Bruce at one side and Sir Thomas at the other, particular­ly as the latter gave his name to Randolph Street, the home of the Old Co- op, the area upon which the ‘ centrepiec­e’ is to be developed.

It’s to be hoped that Mr Frail’s vision for the city will be fully embraced by the council, who, hopefully, will see the full potential of this idea and not squander the Scottish Government grant on what at first glance appears to be no more than a glorified picnic area.

Eric Travers,

Gellatly Road,

Dunfermlin­e. used as bin storage areas?

Something needs done, and our local councillor­s need to see that something is done. Why have policies in place which only apply to certain areas when the policies are supposed to apply throughout Fife? Take pride in the city of Dunfermlin­e as well as taking pride in Fife please.

Ian Lamond,

Fodbank View,

Dunfermlin­e. address these issues, but that does not excuse those of us who have the ability to act and do not.

To put it plainly, we need to restrict our families to two children only. This would stabilise the population, and lessen the pressure on our limited resources. There will of course be adults who choose, or are unable to have children. Taking that into account, there would be a net reduction in the population. Maybe then we would have less reluctance to admit refugees fleeing for their lives? We need to address this ticking time bomb now while there is still a world to save.

In case you are wondering, I had one child, and now have two grandchild­ren, one of whom was adopted.

Sylvia Stewart,

Park Road,

Rosyth. drivers have had their engines at idle. I have worked as a profession­al driver, although not as a bus driver, but can understand the issues that drivers may face.

At the end of the day the bus is the driver’s place of work and it is the driver’s right to be comfortabl­e at work. Perhaps the engine was running to provide the air conditioni­ng to keep the driver and bus cool. There have been some very warm days recently and I would rather the driver is cool and calm rather than hot and bothered when he/ she is about to transport a bus load of school children. Similarly in a few weeks’ time they might leave the engine running so the heaters can be on when the cold weather comes, and that the windows are de- misted/ iced before the journey commences.

I note council spokesman Gary Moyes, entitled procuremen­t category manager, has asked the public or anyone with concerns to come forward with more informatio­n. I wonder how Mr Moyes would feel if the bus drivers walked in to his warm office and demanded that he switch off the heating, the radio and other electronic­s in the office? After all, if it is good enough to demand this of the bus drivers then surely Mr Moyes should live by the same standards?

I for one will not be reporting engine idling as it is none of my business although I would, where possible, encourage drivers to switch off engines, particular­ly if waiting for a long period

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