Dunfermline Press

Delight for dad as The Yard lands £2m of future funding

- By Alexandra Baff Reporter alexandra.baff@newsquest.co.uk

THE First Minister has announced support for a disabled children’s charity after a successful campaign by a Dunfermlin­e man.

First Minister Humza Yousaf committed to giving children’s charity The Yard up to £2 million in future funding during a recent visit to the charity’s head office in Edinburgh.

This comes after Lawrence Cowan of Dunfermlin­e launched the ‘Our kids won’t wait campaign’ to get fairer funding for disabled children. Lawrence’s daughter, Eilish, has a rare genetic abnormalit­y called TUBA1A.

This makes it difficult for Eilish to walk and she is visually impaired. Eilish and her family receive support from The Yard.

Lawrence said: “This funding will be transforma­tional. It means that more disabled children will have the chance to be celebrated for who they are, build their confidence and find a place to belong. We really appreciate the First Minister coming and spending so much time with us. Eilish was really excited to meet him. She said it made her feel proud.”

Subject to the outcome of the next Scottish Budget process, the

Scottish Government will look at giving The Yard extra funding over the next three financial years.

The Yard, which has been running since 1986, offers play and short break services for disabled children and their families. They have three support centres in Scotland: Edinburgh, Fife and Dundee.

The First Minister said: “I am absolutely committed to improving outcomes for disabled children and their families across Scotland. Visiting the Yard has given me a chance to see their outstandin­g work first-hand, and hear more about the support being provided by the charity.

“I was extremely impressed with the flexible and creative ways in which The Yard are offering services and support to disabled young people and their families, many of whom I know are facing additional and significan­t challenges.

“I sincerely hope that this vital funding will enable The Yard to grow their services and offer support to more families of young disabled children across Scotland and I look forward to continuing to engage with The Yard in all of their family support centres in Edinburgh, Fife and Dundee.”

 ?? ?? Lawrence Cowan and his daughter Eilish with First Minister Humza Yousaf and, below, Lawrence and Eilish at Holyrood previously. Images: Lesley Martin
Lawrence Cowan and his daughter Eilish with First Minister Humza Yousaf and, below, Lawrence and Eilish at Holyrood previously. Images: Lesley Martin
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