Dunfermline Press

Crackdown on speeding in village


EFFORTS are being stepped up to deter speeding in Cairneyhil­l – with road policing officers carrying out checks at the weekend.

It’s a move welcomed by local councillor Graeme Downie, who hopes it will serve as a deterrent to those tempted to break the speed limit.

Cllr Downie said: “Speeding in Cairneyhil­l and across the villages in West Fife is something that comes up quite a lot, frankly. In Cairneyhil­l specifical­ly we have to be making sure kids have safe access to the primary school and people are safe accessing the shops.

“It’s one of the main routes into Dunfermlin­e, and from the Cairneyhil­l roundabout up, people are going quite quickly. When they come out the other way, they go from a 60 between Crossford and Cairneyhil­l and then slow down into the village itself. There’s a lot of houses right next to the main road and you get a lot of HGVs and school buses so it’s a really busy road.”

Cllr Downie was keen to thank the police.

“It’s about keeping on top of it the best we can,” he said. “It was really good of the police to be out last weekend after I had asked them to just monitor the area. Hopefully it caught a few people speeding but also acts as a deterrent as well.

“The community council has been very active in promoting the community speed watch programme that the police run as well. The issue is there’s not much that can be done in terms of traffic calming measures as it is such a busy road. You can’t really put in speed bumps or anything.

“A lot of it is about education. I know the police have been doing more with the local primary school.”

 ?? ?? Fife Council officers included an artist’s impression in their report to the City of Dunfermlin­e area committee. They said the illustrati­on is not based on a Fife street and shows a ‘with-flow cycle track’ but added that a two way cycle track would look ‘very similar’. Image: Fife Council
Fife Council officers included an artist’s impression in their report to the City of Dunfermlin­e area committee. They said the illustrati­on is not based on a Fife street and shows a ‘with-flow cycle track’ but added that a two way cycle track would look ‘very similar’. Image: Fife Council
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