Dunfermline Press

Schools get stuck in to sports sessions Figures reveal sharp rise in levels of participat­ion after Covid

- Clare Buchanan cbuchanan@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk

ACTIVE Schools sessions across Fife have increased by more than 60 per cent in the past year.

Figures released by sportscotl­and have shown the rise in participat­ion levels of school sport with 393,729 visits taking place this year compared to 240,253 in 2021/22.

A total of 21,954 sessions took place across the Kingdom involving 20,084 participan­ts.The figures, say sportscotl­and, show the recovery of school sports after the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Chief executive Forbes Dunlop said: “The Active Schools network is a hugely important part of Scotland’s sporting system. For many young people, it is where their sporting journey begins, so we are pleased to see participat­ion levels rise again.

“While we are still not at pre-pandemic levels, we are now starting to see very strong signs of recovery and we will continue to support our partners in all 32 local authoritie­s to ensure that the progress made over the past 12 months continues across this academic year.

“Schools across the country understand­ably prioritise­d core education following Covid-19 but there has been an undoubted commitment from local authoritie­s across the country to ensure that sport and physical activity return to the heart of school life.”

Sports Minister Maree Todd said it was “fantastic” that Active Schools participat­ion has risen significan­tly since last year.

“This important programme provides children with opportunit­ies to take part in sport before, during and after school,” she said. “That’s why the Scottish Government and sportscotl­and are working together to ensure that Active Schools programmes will be free for all children and young people by the end of this Parliament.”

Active Schools aims to provide more and higher quality opportunit­ies to take part in sport and physical activity before school, during lunchtime and after school.

Pam Colburn, Fife Council’s

quality improvemen­t officer (health and wellbeing), education and children’s services, added: “Active Schools within Fife is an integral service, crucial to improving the health and wellbeing of our children and young people.”

 ?? ?? Active Schools sports sessions have increased by 64 per cent in the last year across Fife.
Active Schools sports sessions have increased by 64 per cent in the last year across Fife.
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