Dunfermline Press

Charity hailed as ‘visionary’

- Clare Buchanan Reporter cbuchanan@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk

A FIFE charity has scooped a national award for its work to support people with sight loss throughout the area.

Seescape, formerly Fife Society for the Blind, won the Community Award at the Visionary Conference in Birmingham last month.

Sponsored by Specsavers, the UK-wide awards ceremony recognised outstandin­g achievemen­ts in the sight-loss sector and in supporting the local community.

Seescape was the only organisati­on in Scotland to receive an award, and the first Scottish charity to win in several years.

Judges praised the charity for its use of local expertise, voices and contacts throughout Fife to bring about positive change, including working in partnershi­p with local organisati­ons, such as the NHS, to improve eye health, supporting people with sight loss to improve their community connection­s and wellbeing and helping people access assistive technology.

Former prime minister Gordon Brown, Seescape’s honorary president, said the charity makes a “profound difference” to many lives.

“I’m now delighted their pioneering work has been acknowledg­ed across the UK with this award and that Seescape is now recognised as a leader across the UK in support for those experienci­ng sight loss,” he said.

“In particular, I would like to pay tribute to the Sight Support and Accessible Technology teams who were singled out for mention for their ground-breaking contributi­on to supporting individual­s with the most up-to-date technologi­cal supports and reading materials.

“I have supported

Seescape for many years and have seen first-hand the amazing work it does throughout Fife. I wish the Seescape staff well in all they do in the years ahead.”

Lesley Carcary, chief executive of Seescape, added: “We are incredibly proud to be recognised with this award and grateful to all colleagues for their daily work to support people with sight loss in Fife.

“We pride ourselves on our partnershi­p working, which means we can reach more people and improve lives.”

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 ?? ?? The Seescape team were the only Scottish organisati­on recognised at a major awards ceremony
The Seescape team were the only Scottish organisati­on recognised at a major awards ceremony

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