Dunfermline Press

Coastwatch West Fife launch new facility at North Queensferr­y site


A GROUP aiming to be the “eyes and ears on the ground” for the local coastguard has celebrated moving into its new base.

Coastwatch West Fife have moved from their former temporary home at Aberdour’s Silver Sands beach to a specialise­d trailer in North Queensferr­y where they will continue their work at keeping a look out at what is going on in the Forth.

It is one of a growing number of coastal surveillan­ce stations crewed by trained volunteers located around the coast of mainland Britain.

All Coastwatch stations carry out the same task, which is to assist Her Majesty’s Coastguard in their task of helping people along the coastline and at sea.

They are equipped with VHF marine radio and optical aids such as maritime binoculars to help keep watch over walkers along the coast, pleasure crafts, open water swimmers, marine wildlife and commercial shipping.

In addition to visual watches, radio monitoring of the internatio­nal VHF distress channel in support of search and rescue operations is also carried out.

Station Commander Craig

Somerville said they were able to establish their new set-up thanks to funding from Edinburgh Airport and Exxon Mobil which allowed the purchase of the trailer and a small van.

“We were looking for our own station and the airport gave us a donation of £7,000 which enabled us to purchase the trailer,” he explained. “We also got £3,000 from Exxon Mobil which allowed us to get a vehicle as well.

“We have been there about four weeks and it is great.

“We are chatting to the boat club and the boat owners and the sea kayak club and we are in a secure compound.

“Where we are is under the bridges and you have got the lifeboats right across the Forth and there are more boat visitors.

“We are still there every weekend at the moment because we are still a small group but we are going to be doing a recruitmen­t drive to get more members in so hopefully we will be able to do the days of the week eventually as well.

“We have eight members just now.”

Anyone interested in getting involved in the work of Coastwatch West Fife can visit the group’s Facebook page or email info@coastwatch­westfife.org.uk.

 ?? ?? Aaron McKeen from Edinburgh Airport with members of Coastwatch West Fife at the official launch of their new base. Image: David Wardle
Aaron McKeen from Edinburgh Airport with members of Coastwatch West Fife at the official launch of their new base. Image: David Wardle

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