Dunfermline Press

Kind-hearted piercer helps out Wee Jamie

- Jamie Sinclair editorial@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk

KIND-HEARTED Tammi Vaughan, of Piercings and Jewels by Tammi, donated her takings for a day to support a Dunfermlin­e youngster with an incurable muscle-wasting condition.

On Friday, October 13, Tammi’s 13 bookings raised £600 for Wee Jamie’s Journey, the charity supporting Jamie Tierney in his fight against Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

There is no cure for the illness, which affects all muscles, including lungs, heart and the brain, but treatment is available to slow down its progress.

Tammi decided to help out as Wee Jamie’s Journey is very close to home.

She said “I went to primary school, high school and lived on the same street as Wee Jamie’s dad, so we were childhood friends. Because we were such good friends when we were younger, and I’ve got a wee boy about the same age as Jamie, I just can’t imagine what they’re going through.

“I recently became self-employed and I wanted to give something back. I’m still really good friends with Big Jamie’s sister Lauren. I just messaged them and asked if they would want a bit of support, even if it was just a bit towards the travel. If it was my wee boy I’d be devastated, so I thought I’d try and help.”

The day itself took place at Tammi’s studio based at Ash Hair on

High Street, and was a great success.

The proceeds will go towards helping pay for Jamie’s treatment, which the family usually have to travel for. Most recently they had to go over to the United States and have previously been to South

America. Jamie’s mum Bobbie thanked Tammi for her support and gave an update on her son, saying: “Jamie is doing well, we were back in America for Jamie’s treatment at the start of September, and he was such a little star! Everything went well and he was so brave receiving his treatment.

“We thought these trips would begin to feel easier, however, I think each trip gets more difficult, so we tried to make this trip a fast turn around and with wee Jamie loving being at nursery just now we didn’t want him to have too much time away.”

Tammi will be sponsoring a table at the Charity Ball for Wee Jamie’s Journey, which takes place this Saturday. If the event is even close to being as successful as last year’s edition of the event, it will be a huge help, as the previous ball raised around £20,000.

Bobbie said: “I can’t emphasise enough how much we appreciate everyone involved in this and everything that it’s done for us and Wee Jamie, his treatments would not be possible without all this support from not just friends and families but from people we have never even met, it really is incredible!”

Find out more at weejamiesj­ourney.co.uk

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