Dunfermline Press

Community centres host open days


FOUR West Fife community centres will host open days so that the public can come along and discover what’s on offer.

Inverkeith­ing Civic Centre, Rosyth’s Parkgate Community Centre, Oakley Community Centre and Valleyfiel­d Community Centre will all be holding an event each during November.

The convenor of South and West

Fife Area Committee, Councillor David Barratt, said: “The open days are a great opportunit­y for people to have a look around our community centres and see what’s on offer.

“There are exciting activities for the kids to enjoy for free and everyone is welcome, so please spread the word and come along.”

A variety of activities will be on offer at these events including children’s arts and crafts, sewing taster sessions for adults and a range of family-friendly events.

The free events are open to all members of the public and there is no need to book. There will be food and refreshmen­ts available.

Informatio­n stands will highlight the support available to individual­s and families and promote the activities on offer in the centres.

The Inverkeith­ing Civic Centre on Queen Street will host its open day from 4.30pm to 6.30pm on Thursday, November 2.

Then, on Friday, November 3, between 4.30pm and 6.30pm, Parkgate Community Centre will hold its event.

On Monday, November 6, Oakley Community Centre on Station Road will hold its between 4.30pm and 6.30pm.

And finally, on Thursday, November 9, from 4pm and 6pm, Valleyfiel­d Community Centre on Chapel Street will open its doors to the public.

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