Dunfermline Press

Group of Dunfermlin­e Athletic’s FFIT programme win in Dresden


A GROUP of West Fifers showed they were fit for a German challenge as they came out on top of a six-a-side competitio­n.

Participan­ts of Dunfermlin­e Athletic’s FFIT programme travelled out to Dresden to take part in the Fußballfan­s in Training tournament.

After coming through six group games, a quarter final and a semi final penalty shoot out, the team secured a two-nil win in the final of the contest.

The squad of 10, which was the first Scottish side to take part in the event, was made up of people who have joined the FFIT programme at the Pars which encourages individual­s over 30 to learn about healthy eating and living while sharing a common love of football.

A spokespers­on for the Dunfermlin­e team said: “The hospitalit­y was excellent as was the organisati­on.

“The warm and friendly reception from everyone, in addition to being triumphant, made for an exceptiona­l experience and is an example of just some of the potential benefits for those involved.”

The achievemen­t has seen the squad – and the club – receive congratula­tions from Dunfermlin­e and West Fife MP Douglas Chapman.

In a letter following the team’s return, he said: “It is a testament to your dedication and hard work as a team. You all must be very proud of the squad’s success as the first Scottish side to take part in the event.

“I would like to take this opportunit­y to thank Dunfermlin­e Athletic FC for running the free Football Fans in Training (FFIT) Programme. I am sure this community initiative to promote healthy eating and fitness for people over 30 through a shared passion for football has been successful and life changing for the participan­ts.”

 ?? ?? The Dunfermlin­e Athletic FFIT squad after their German win.
The Dunfermlin­e Athletic FFIT squad after their German win.

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