Dunfermline Press

Amazon workers deliver play bundles to charity

Bundles of baby and toddler essentials delivered to Save the Children


BUNDLES of baby and toddler essentials have been delivered to Save the Children by workers at Amazon in Dunfermlin­e.

The child poverty charity will now distribute the goods to vulnerable families across the country.

Save the Children Scotland works to give every child an equal chance; believing that all children have a right to a decent standard of living, to play and to learn.

In partnershi­p with Amazon, the charity was able to provide ‘Play Well’ packs to families which contain hints and tips to assist children’s play and learning at home.

In total, 200 boxes full of items including baby mats, bath bundles and sensory toys were packed up and sent to the organisati­on.

Jamie Strain, General Manager at Amazon in Dunfermlin­e, said: “The team at Save the Children has changed the lives of so many families across Scotland and I could not be prouder of the team’s efforts to support the charity and show our gratitude.

“We hope the toys deliver smiles to the children that receive them and that the baby products help out parents in need.”

Claire Telfer, Head of Scotland at Save the Children, added: “We want to extend a big thank you to the team at Amazon in Dunfermlin­e for helping us provide families with necessary items to assist learning and play.

“At Save the Children, we work to lessen the impact of poverty on children’s learning and developmen­t in the early years, and support from organisati­ons like Amazon is essential in helping us achieve our mission of giving every child in Scotland an equal chance.”

 ?? ?? Amazon workers with the boxes for Save the Children. Image: Amazon Dunfermlin­e
Amazon workers with the boxes for Save the Children. Image: Amazon Dunfermlin­e

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