Dunfermline Press

Textiles firm celebrates diversity with photoshoot

Dunfermlin­e manufactur­er Kallopsia Collective in collaborat­ion

- By Chloe Goodall Reporter Chloe.Goodall@newsquest.co.uk

A DUNFERMLIN­E textiles manufactur­er is celebratin­g diversity and sustainabi­lity in a new photoshoot.

Kallopsia Collective, a sociel enterprise based in Gardeners Street, has collaborat­ed with Raven Botanicals, a leading advocate for natural ingredient­s in skincare, to promote inclusion in the fashion and beauty industry.

To showcase the importance of these issues, both firms came together for a photoshoot at the Kelvingrov­e Art Gallery and Museum in Glasgow.

“We are thrilled to partner with Raven Botanicals for this exciting photoshoot,” commented Nina Falk, creative director at Kalopsia.

“Their commitment to sustainabi­lity mirrors our own and together we are determined to make a positive impact on the fashion and beauty industry.”

She continued to state: “This collaborat­ion is a celebratio­n of diversity and a testament to our shared values.”

She said the collaborat­ion aims to make a powerful statement about the importance of ethical fashion and skincare.

Raven sponsored the photoshoot while Kalopsia organised it.

Each model and makeup artist participat­ing in the event received a luxurious skincare package filled with the former’s most popular skincare products.

The products are made with locally harvested and ethically sourced plant-based ingredient­s and packaged in environmen­tally friendly materials.

Raven Botanicals’ co-founder, Arabella, also commented: “We are incredibly proud to be working with Kalopsia Collective on this important campaign celebratin­g inclusion across the fashion and beauty sector; a positive message that strikes right at the heart of the industry.

“Our brand is made for skin and soul we are passionate about good skin for everyone at every age and the ripple effect of confidence that comes with acts of self-care.”

 ?? ?? The collaborat­ion aims to make a powerful statement about the importance of ethical fashion and skincare. Image: Amy O’Brien
The collaborat­ion aims to make a powerful statement about the importance of ethical fashion and skincare. Image: Amy O’Brien
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 ?? ?? The collaborat­ion aims to make a powerful statement about the importance of ethical fashion and skincare Image: Amy O’Brien
The collaborat­ion aims to make a powerful statement about the importance of ethical fashion and skincare Image: Amy O’Brien

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