Dunfermline Press

Amputee football tournament kicks off at the Bay


AN inaugural internatio­nal tournament taking place this weekend in West

Fife hopes to put “amputee football firmly on the map in Scotland”.

Dalgety Bay Sports and Leisure Centre will welcome several nations to take part in the EAFF (European Amputee Football Federation) Nations League, which will be the biggest internatio­nal para-football tournament of its kind to take place in Scotland.

Scotland’s national amputee squad will take on the Netherland­s, Albania, Azerbaijan and Kosovo in Group D of the competitio­n, which will also see matches hosted in Poland (Group

A), France (Group B), and Belgium (Group C).

Matches in Scotland’s section will be held on both Saturday and Sunday, and Ashley Reid, founder of Amputee Football Associatio­n Scotland, and CEO of Scottish ParaFootba­ll, said: “With just days to go until the tournament, nerves and excitement levels are running high with the players and staff.

“This competitio­n has involved months of preparatio­n, not just in terms of training and fitness of the players but the logistics and organisati­on required to host an event of this scale. We are incredibly grateful to all our sponsors and supporters who have made it possible.

“This is the first event of this kind to be hosted in Scotland but we hope it puts amputee football firmly on the map in Scotland.”

The Scots squad is made up of 11 individual­s each with a lower or upper limb amputation, including Fife Paralympia­n, Iain Matthew, 47, who has been instrument­al in bringing the tournament to the Kingdom in his role of director of Amputee Football Associatio­n Scotland.

“It has taken an incredible amount of work to reach this point but we’re now looking forward to welcoming our visitors to Scotland and to seeing the fruits of our labour, both on and off the pitch,” he said.

“Having secured our first internatio­nal wins last year against Belgium in a friendly tournament, we’re hoping to see the same success this weekend.

“The lads have trained hard and deserve it.

“We would love for as many people as possible to come along to watch, not only to support the teams but also to experience what a spectacle it is to watch amputee football.”

Scotland kick off the competitio­n against Kosovo on Saturday, at

10am, and play Albania at 1pm.

On Sunday, they are first up against the Netherland­s, at 10am, before playing Azerbaijan at 1pm.

Saturday’s other fixtures are Netherland­s v Azerbaijan (11.30am), Azerbaijan v Kosovo (2.30pm), and Netherland­s v Albania (4pm), whilst on Sunday, Kosovo meet Albania at 11.30am, with the Netherland­s playing Kosovo at 2.30pm, and Albania facing Azerbaijan at 4pm.

Entry for spectators to the matches is free.

 ?? ?? West Fife will host the inaugural EAFF (European Amputee Football Federation) Nations League this weekend. Image: Daniel Pedersen / Amputee Football Associatio­n Scotland.
West Fife will host the inaugural EAFF (European Amputee Football Federation) Nations League this weekend. Image: Daniel Pedersen / Amputee Football Associatio­n Scotland.

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