Dunfermline Press

GPs take over at West Fife medical practice Move to be given a ‘cautious welcome’ by High Valleyfiel­d residents

- By Clare Buchanan Reporter cbuchanan@dunfermlin­epress.co.uk

NEW GP contractor­s have begun work running a troubled West Fife surgery.

Health chiefs have confirmed that Dr Gilani and Partners have now taken over at the helm of Valleyfiel­d Medical Practice at the beginning of November.

This follows long-running issues at the practice. Last year, members of the public were left with no choice but to drive to Dunfermlin­e to access healthcare and a campaign was started by the community council with people fearing it would take a death to solve the issues at the practice.

Lisa Cooper, head of primary and preventati­ve care for the Fife Health and Social Care Partnershi­p, confirmed the new contract had now begun.

“The new GP contractor­s, Dr Gilani and Partners, took over the running of Valleyfiel­d Medical Practice on November 1,” she said.

“NHS Fife and the Fife Health and Social Care Partnershi­p will remain in frequent and regular dialogue with Dr Gilani and Partners in the coming months to provide support and ensure the transition is as smooth as possible for the benefit of patients and staff.

“The new contractor­s have also indicated their intention to engage with the local community early in the new year to introduce their team and ensure the delivery of highqualit­y healthcare provision for patients.”

Local councillor Graeme Downie was pleased to see progress.

“This news will be given a cautious welcome by the local community who have been campaignin­g for improvemen­ts to the GP service at High Valleyfiel­d for sometime, but the real work starts now for the new independen­t contractor­s to rebuild confidence in this service which has been badly damaged over the past few years,” he said.

“I have been delighted to assist local people where possible and help them with their campaign and I hope the contractor­s take the advice of NHS Fife to meet with the local community very quickly and on an ongoing basis.

“I will be holding them to task to make sure they do just that to ensure local people get the service from their local GP service that they want and deserve.”

 ?? Image: Newsquest ?? NEW BEGINNING: Valleyfiel­d Medical Practice is now under new contractor­s.
Image: Newsquest NEW BEGINNING: Valleyfiel­d Medical Practice is now under new contractor­s.

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