Dunfermline Press

Woman is jailed


A 60-YEAR-OLD Dunfermlin­e woman, who smashed TV sets in the homes of her son and her friend, has been jailed.

Serial offender Elaine Mackie, of Mackie Place, appeared from custody at Dunfermlin­e Sheriff Court and admitted a string of drunken disturbanc­es.

On November 7 last year at Cleish Place, she shouted, swore and made offensive comments to a male acquaintan­ce who lives there, made threats of violence, threw a glass bowl and acted aggressive­ly.

On April 23 at Mackie Place, she shouted, swore, acted in an aggressive manner, threw a cup at a television damaging it, pulled the TV set from the wall, smash a TV cabinet, threw a toaster in the kitchen, emptied a pot of food on to the floor and made threats to police officers.

On May 24 at her home, she shouted and swore at police officers, flailed her arms and threw a glass.

And on August 21 at Cleish Place, she repeatedly shouted, swore, made threats and threw an item of crockery which struck and damaged a TV set.

Depute fiscal Amy Robertson said Mackie was living with her son and they were watching football together when she became irate about something.

She smashed the TV by throwing a cup at it then pulled the set off the wall, smashing a cabinet. She then threw a toaster at the wall and a pot of food over the floor.

“Her son contacted the police to say she was smashing up the house,” said the depute.

When officers arrived,

Mackie shouted from a window: “Do you think you’re hard. Come and fight me!”

Another incident occurred at the home of a male friend where Mackie had been drinking throughout the day. At one point she became irate with the man, shouting and swearing at him, and then started throwing items about including a plate which struck the TV causing the screen to smash.

Sheriff Garry Sutherland jailed Mackie for three months.

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